[PDF] Capsule 1 MVCT101 Advanced Mathematics Theory Unit 1 Objective type question as per new syllabus

Introduction of operation-research, Mathematical Programming Techniques Linear
programming (formulation, Graphical solution).Simplex method, BIG-M method.
Duality theory in linear programming, Transportation & Assignment Problem.

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                                      MVCT101 Advance Mathematics Theory

Unit 1 Introduction to Operations Research

Capsule 1

1. Operations Research approach is ______________.

A.    multi-disciplinary

B.      scientific

C.      intuitive

D.     collect essential data

2. A feasible solution to a linear programming problem ______________.

A.    must satisfy all the constraints of the problem simultaneously

B.      need not satisfy all of the constraints, only some of them

C.      must be a corner point of the feasible region.

D.     must optimize the value of the objective function

3. If any value in XB column of final simplex table is negative, then the solution is ______________.

A.      infeasible

B.    infeasible

C.      bounded

D.     no solution

4. For any primal problem and its dual______________.

A.      optimal value of objective function is same

B.      dual will have an optimal solution if primal does too

C.    primal will have an optimal solution if dual does too

D.     both primal and dual cannot be infeasible

5. The difference between total float and head event slack is ______________

A.    free float

B.      independent float

C.      interference float

D.     linear float



6. An optimal assignment requires that the maximum number of lines which can be drawn through squares with zero opportunity cost should be equal to the number of ______________.

A.    rows or columns

B.      rows and columns.

C.      rows+columns- 1

D.     rows-columns.

7. To proceed with the Modified Distribution method algorithm for solving an transportation problem, the number of dummy allocations need to be added are______________.

A.      n

B.    n-1

C.      2n-1

D.     n-2

8. Select the correct statement

A.      EOQ is that quantity at which price paid by the buyer is minimum

B.      If annual demand doubles with all other parameters remaining constant, the Economic Order Quantity is doubled

C.    Total ordering cost equals holding cost

D.     Stock out cost is never permitted

9. Service mechanism in a queuing system is characterized by ______________.

A.      customers behavior

B.    servers behavior

C.      customers in the system

D.     server in the system

10. The objective of network analysis is to______________.

A.    minimize total project duration

B.      minimize toal project cost

C.      minimize production delays, interruption and conflicts

D.     maximize total project duration



11. In program evaluation review technique network each activity time assume a beta distribution because______________.

  1. it is a unimodal distribution that provides information regarding the uncertainty of time estimates of activities
  2. it has got finite non-negative error
  3. it need not be symmetrical about model value
  4. the project is progressing well

12. If there is no non-negative replacement ratio in solving a Linear Programming Problem then the solution is ______________.

  1. feasible
  2. bounded
  3. unbounded
  4. infinite

13. The calling population is considered to be infinite when ______________.

  1. all customers arrive at once
  2. capacity of the system is infinite
  3. service rate is faster than arrival rate
  4. arrivals are independent of each other

14. In marking assignments, which of the following should be preferred?

  1. Only row having single zero
  2. Only column having single zero
  3. Only row/column having single zero
  4. Column having more than one zero

15. A petrol pump have one pump; Vehicles arrive at the petrol pump according to poison input process at average of 12 per hour. The service time follows exponential distribution with a mean of 4 minutes. The pumps are expected to be idle for ______________.

  1. 3/5
  2. 4/5
  3. 5/3
  4. 6/5

16. If the order quantity (size of order) is increased, ______________

  1. holding costs decrease and ordering costs increase
  2. holding costs increase and ordering costs decrease
  3. the total costs increase and then decrease
  4. storage cost as well as stock-out cost increase

17. ______________ is a mathematical technique used to solve the problem of allocating limited resource among the competing activities

  1. Linear Programming problem
  2. Assignment Problem
  3. Replacement Problem
  4. Non linear Programming Problem

18. A mixed strategy game can be solved by ______________.

  1. Simplex method
  2. Hungarian method
  3. Graphical method
  4. Degeneracy

19. The activity cost corresponding to the crash time is called the ______________.

  1. critical time
  2. normal time
  3. cost slope
  4. crash cost

20. A set of feasible solution to a Linear Programming Problem is ______________

  1. convex
  2. polygon
  3. triangle
  4. bold

21. In an Linear Programming Problem functions to be maximized or minimized are called ______________.

  1. constraints
  2. objective function
  3. basic solution
  4. feasible solution

22. If the primal problem has n constraints and m variables then the number of constraints in the dual problem is ______________.

  1. mn
  2. m+n
  3. m-n
  4. m/n

23. The non-basic variables are called ______________.

  1. shadow cost
  2. opportunity cost
  3. slack variable
  4. surplus variable

24. Key element is also known as ______________.

  1. slack
  2. surplus
  3. artificial
  4. pivot

25. The solution to a transportation problem with m-sources and n-destinations is feasible if the numbers of allocations are ______________.

  1. m+n
  2. mn
  3. m-n
  4. m+n-1

26. The allocation cells in the transportation table will be called ______________ cell

  1. occupied
  2. unoccupied
  3. no
  4. finite

27. To resolve degeneracy at the initial solution, a very small quantity is allocated in ______________ cell

  1. occupied
  2. unoccupied
  3. no
  4. finite

28. The assignment algorithm was developed by ______________ method.

  3. MODI



29. An assignment problem is a particular case of ______________.

  1. transportation Problem
  2. assignment Problem
  3. travelling salesman problem
  4. replacement Problem

30. The coefficient of slack\surplus variables in the objective function are always assumed to be ______________.

  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. M
  4. -M

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