[PDF] Capsule 2 MVCT101 Advanced Mathematics Theory Unit 1 Objective type question as per new syllabus

 [PDF]  Capsule 2 MVCT101 Advanced Mathematics Theory Unit 1 Objective type question as per new syllabus

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MVCT101 Advance Mathematics Theory

Unit 1 Introduction to Operations Research

Capsule 2

31. Using ______________ method, we can never have an unbounded solution

  1. Simplex
  2. Dual simplex
  3. Big M
  4. Modi

32. The customers of high priority are given service over the low priority customers is ______________.

  1. Pre emptive
  2. FIFO
  3. LIFO
  4. SIRO

33. A queuing system is said to be a ______________ when its operating characteristic are independent upon time

  1. pure birth model
  2. pure death model
  3. transient state
  4. steady state

34. An activity which does not consume neither any resource nor time is known as ______________.

  1. predecessor activity
  2. successor activity
  3. dummy activity
  4. activity

35. The difference between total and free float is ______________.

  1. total
  2. free
  3. independent
  4. interference

36. The number of time estimates involved in Program Evaluation Review Technique problem is ______________.

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4

37. The assignment problem is always a ______________matrix.

  1. circle
  2. square
  3. rectangle
  4. triangle

38. The slack variables indicate ______________.

  1. excess resource available.
  2. shortage of resource
  3. nil resource
  4. idle resource

39. If the net evaluation corresponding to any non -basic variable is zero, it is an indication of the existence of an ______________.

  1. initial basic feasible solution
  2. optimum basic feasible solution
  3. optimum solution.
  4. alternate optimum solution.

40. Mathematical model of linear programming problem is important because ______________.

  1. it helps in converting the verbal description and numerical data into mathematical expression
  2. decision makers prefer to work with formal models
  3. it captures the relevant relationship among decision factors
  4. it enables the use of algebraic technique


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41. While solving a linear programming problem infeasibility may be removed by ______________.

  1. adding another constraint
  2. adding another variable
  3. removing a constraint
  4. removing a variable

42. The right-hand side constant of a constraint in a primal problem appears in the corresponding dual as______________.

  1. a coefficient in the objective function
  2. a right-hand side constant of a function
  3. an input output coefficient a left-hand side constraint
  4. coefficient variable

43. During iteration while moving from one solution to the next, degeneracy may occur when______________

  1. the closed path indicates a diagonal move
  2. two or more occupied cells are on the closed path but neither of them represents a corner of the path.
  3. two or more occupied cells on the closed path with minus sign are tied for lowest circled value.
  4. the closed path indicates a rectangle move.

44. Maximization assignment problem is transformed into a minimization problem by______________.

  1. adding each entry in a column from the maximum value in that column
  2. subtracting each entry in a column from the maximum value in that column
  3. subtracting each entry in the table from the maximum value in that table
  4. adding each entry in the table from the maximum value in that table

45. Priority queue discipline may be classified as______________.

  1. pre-emptive or non-pre-emptive
  2. limited
  3. unlimited
  4. finite

46. Replace an item when______________.

  1. average cost upto date is equal to the current maintenance cost
  2. average cost upto date is greater than the current maintenance cost
  3. average cost upto date is less than the current maintenance cost.
  4. next year running cost in more than average cost of nth year

47. In time cost trade off function analysis______________.

  1. cost decreases linearly as time increases
  2. cost increases linearly as time decreases
  3. cost at normal time is zero
  4. cost increases linearly as time increases

48. The transportation problem deals with the transportation of ______________.

  1. a single product from a source to several destinations
  2. a single product from several sources to several destinations
  3. a single product from several sources to a destination
  4. a multi -product from several sources to several destinations

49. The minimum number of lines covering all zeros in a reduced cost matrix of order n can be ______________.

  1. at the most n
  2. at the least n
  3. n-1
  4. n+1

50. For a 2.5% increase in order quantity (under fundamental EOQ problem) the total relevant cost would ______________

  1. increase by 2.5%.
  2. decrease by 2.5%.
  3. increase by 0.25%.
  4. decrease by 0.25%.

51. In the basic EOQ model, if the lead time increases from 2 to 4 days, the EOQ will ______________

  1. double increase
  2. remain constant
  3. but not double
  4. decrease by a factor of two

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52. When the sum of gains of one player is equal to the sum of losses to another player in a game, this situation is known as ______________.

  1. two-person game
  2. two-person zero-sum game
  3. zero-sum game
  4. non-zero-sum game

53. In the network, one activity may connect any ______________ nodes

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4

54. Graphical method is also known as ______________.

  1. Simplex Method
  2. Dual Simplex Method
  3. Big-M Method
  4. Search-Approach Method

55. If the given Linear Programming Problem is in its standard form then primal-dual pair is ______________.

  1. symmetric
  2. un symmetric
  3. square
  4. triangle

56. The method used to solve Linear Programming Problem without use of the artificial variable is called ______________.

  1. Simplex Method
  2. Big-M Method
  3. Dual Simplex Method
  4. Graphical Mehtod

57. When the total demand is equal to supply then the transportation problem is said to be ______________

  1. balanced
  2. unbalanced
  3. maximization
  4. minimization

58. For finding an optimum solution in transportation problem ______________ method is used.

  1. Simplex
  2. Big-M
  3. Modi
  4. Hungarian

59. Linear Programming Problem is a technique of finding the ______________.

  1. optimal value
  2. approximate value
  3. initial value
  4. infeasible value

60. Any solution to a Linear Programming Problem which also satisfies the non- negative notifications of the problem has ______________.

  1. solution
  2. basic solution
  3. basic feasible solution
  4. feasible solution


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