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Posted by : Saurabh Gupta Monday, December 12, 2022

M.E./M.Tech., III Semester Examination, June 2020
Advanced Highway Construction
Time: Three Hours
Maximum Marks: 70
i) Attempt any five questions.
ii) All questions carry equal marks.
iii) Solve all parts of any question continuously at the same place.

 1. Answer any two parts of the question.

  1. Differentiate Embankment and Subgrade. Briefly explain the compaction procedure during the construction of the embankment and subgrade. 7
  2.  Classify various types of granular layers in the flexible and rigid pavement. Mention various properties to be considered for quality control and quality assurance. 7
  3. Define Stabilization. Explain mechanical stabilization and Chemical stabilization. 7
2. Answer any one part of the question.
  1. Classify various types of bituminous bases and wear courses for roads. Explain various quality control parameters of bituminous base and wearing courses to be ensured during construction. 14
  2. Define: 14
    1. i) Prime Coat
    2. Tack Coat
    3. Seal Coat
      Explain the significance of Prime coat, tack coat and seal coat. Also, enlist materials used in these layers.
  3. Answer any one part of the question.
    1.  List out various quality control tests to be performed in field for cement concrete pavements. Briefly explain various quality control aspects to be considered during the construction of pavement quality concrete layer. 14
    2. Explain the detailed procedure of construction of various types of joints in rigid pavements. 14
  4. Answer any one part of the question.
    1.  Explain the design procedure of continuous reinforced concrete pavements as per IRC code with a neat sketch. 14
    2. Differentiate the fundamental philosophy of conventional cement concrete pavement and continuously reinforced concrete pavements with neat sketches. Explain the advantages of continuous reinforced concrete pavements. 14
  5. Answer any one part of the question. 
    1. Elaborate the fundamental concept of Project management. Write a short note on Planning
      and Scheduling phase in project management. Mention the typical guidelines for network
      construction. 14
    2. Briefly explain the detailed procedure of the Critical Path Method with an example of the typical highway project. 14
  6. Briefly explain the detailed procedure of design of Bituminous mixes for the construction of Bituminous layers. 7
    1.  Classify various types of Bituminous Binders and Mention the criteria for the selection o of Bitumen binders and Bituminous mixes for bituminous layers. 7
  7.  a) Draw a neat sketch of the expansion joint and indicate all necessary elements as per the Indian Road Congress code. 7
    1. b) Write any seven points on various internal drainage measures to be taken during the construction of flexible pavement at water logging areas. 7
  8.  a) Explain the significance of reinforcement in cement concrete pavement and fibre reinforcement in concrete pavement. 7
    b) Explain the fundamental philosophy of the PERT technique. 

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