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Posted by : Saurabh Gupta Thursday, December 3, 2015

Courses of Study and Scheme of Examination of B.E. First Year (2012-13)
Common to all branches of Engineering except Bio-Tech. & Bio-Medical Engg.
                                                         FIRST SEMESTER

Board of Study
Subject Code
Periods Per Week
Scheme of Examination
Total Marks
Credit [L+[T+P]]


Basic Sciences
Applied Mathematics-I

Professional Communication in English

Basic Sciences
Applied Chemistry

Mechanical Engineering
Engineering Graphics

Elect. Engg.
Elements of Electrical Engineering (New)

Basic Sciences
Applied Chemistry (Lab)

Elect. Engg.
Elements of Electrical Engineering (Lab)

Mechanical Engineering
Workshop Practice

Library & Seminar


Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University Bhilai (C.G.)
Semester: Ist                                         Branch: Common to All Branches
Subject: Applied Mathematics-I           Code: 300114 (14)
Total Theory Periods: 50 Total Tutorial Periods: 12
Total Marks in End Semester Exam: 80
Minimum number of class tests to be conducted: 02

Unit – I
Rank & inverse by elementary transformation; system of linear equations; eigen values & eigen vectors; Caley-Hamilton Theorem.
Unit – II
Differential Calculus
Successive differentiation, Leibnitz's theorem; expansion of functions in Taylor's & Maclaurin's series; tracing of simple curves.
Unit – III
Integral Calculus
Reduction formula, application of integration to rectification, quadrature, volume of revolution, centre of gravity & moment of inertia.
Unit – IV
Partial Differentiation
Partial derivatives, Euler's theorem on homogeneous functions, maxima & minima of functions of two variables, Lagrange's method of undetermined multipliers, Jacobians; differentiation under the integral sign.
Unit – V
Ordinary Differential Equations & Applications
Exact differential equations, reducible to exact form; first order differential equations (non-linear); application to simple electrical circuits & heat flow.

Name of the Text Books:
1. Higher Engg. Mathematics by B. S. Grewal (38th edition)- Khanna Publishers.
2. Advanced Engg. Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig (8th edition)- John Wiley & Sons.
Name of the Reference Books:
1. Differential Calculus by Gorakh Prasad – Pothishala Private Limited.
2. Integral Calculus by Gorakh Prasad – Pothishala Private Limited.
3. Advanced Engg. Mathematics by R. K. Jain & S. R. K. Iyengar Narosa Publishing House.
4. Applied Mathematics by P. N. Wartikar & J. N. Wartikar, Vol. (I&II) – Pune Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan, Pune.
5. Applied Mathematics for Engineers & Physicists by Louis A. Pipes – McGraw Hill.

Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University Bhilai (C.G.)
Semester: Ist                                                            Branch: Common to All Branches
Subject: Professional Communication in English    Code: 300111 (46)
Total Theory Periods: 50
Total Marks in End Semester Exam: 80
Minimum number of class tests to be conducted: 02

Unit – I
Some Key Concepts
Process and Elements of Communication: context of communication; the speaker/writer and the listener/reader; Medium of communication; Principles of communication (7 C's of communication); Barriers in communication, effective communication; Communication in organization.
Unit – II
Selecting material for expository, descriptive, and argumentative pieces; Resume; covering letter, Elements of letter writing and style of writing, business letters: Quotation and Tenders; Basics of Informal and Formal Reports-technical report writing, lab report; Précis writing.
Unit – III
Effective Reading; reading different kinds of texts for different purposes; reading between the lines. Comprehension of Unseen Passages.
Grammar in use: Errors of Accidence and syntax with reference to Parts of Speech; Agreement of Subject and Verb; Tense and Concord; Use of connectives, Question tags. Voice and Narration. Indianism in English: Punctuation and Vocabulary, Building (Antonym, Synonym, Verbal Analogy and One Word Substitution).
Unit – IV
Achieving desired clarity and fluency; effective speaking; task-oriented, inter-personal, informal and semi-formal speaking.
Meetings, Seminar, Conferences, Interviews, Presentation, Audio-visual communication.
Unit – V
Achieving ability to comprehend material delivered at relatively fast speed; comprehending spoken material in Standard Indian English, British English and American English; Intelligent listening in situations. Advantages of listening. Hearing and Listening; Essentials of Good Listening. Use of Modern Communication Devices; Telephonic Conversation.

Name of the Text Books:
 Sharma RC & Mohan K – "Business Corresponding and Report Writing", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1994.
 Alok Jain, P S Bhatia & A M Shiekh – "Professional Communication Skills; S. Chand & Company Ltd. 2005.
 Rajendra Pal and JS Korlahalli – "Essentials of Business Communication", Sultan Chand & Sons, 1997.
 A guide to Correct English – Oxford University Press, Ely House, London W.I., Latest Edition. (For Unit III)
 English Sentence Structure by T.C. JUPP, and JOHN MILNE, ELBS edition published by Heinemann Educational Books Ltd. – Latest Edition. (For Unit III)

Name of the Reference Books:
 Fiske, john – "Introduction to Communication Studies", Rotledge London, 1990.
 Geoffrey Leech & Jan Svartvik – "A Communicative Grammar of English", ELBS Longman, England.
 Bill Scott – "The Skills of Communicating", Jaico Publishing House, Mumbai, 2004.
 Gartside L- "Model Business Letters", Pitman, London, 1992.
 Krishna Mohan & N. P. Singh – "Speaking English Effectively"; MacMillan India, New Delhi; 2001.
 100 Tests in VOCABULARY; Indian Institute of Publishing, Chennai.
 Communication skills for technical students, book-I; July 1995; compiled by the Curriculum Development Centre, TTTI, Western Region, Bhopal; Somaiya Publications Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
 A Prelude to English by L. A. HILL, Oxford University Press, Madras-Latest Edition.
 The English Errors of Indian Students by T.L.H. Smith – Pearse, I.E.S., Oxford University Press, Madras- Latest Edition.
 Grammar and Composition by P.R. Sarkar, Anand Marg Publications, Kolkata

Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University Bhilai (C.G.)
Semester: Ist                                    Branch: Common to All Branches
Subject: Applied Chemistry            Code: 300112 (11)
Total Theory Periods: 50 Total Tutorial Periods: 12
Total Marks in End Semester Exam: 80
Minimum number of class tests to be conducted: 02

Unit – I
Water: Specifications for water, analysis of water alkalinity, hardness. Water for domestic use, water softening processes – Lime – Soda process, Zeolite and ion exchange method, boiler feed water, boiler problems-scale, sludge, priming and foaming, caustic embitterment and corrosion, their causes and prevention, removal of silica, removal of dissolved gases, carbonate and phosphate conditioning, colloidal conditioning, calgon treatment, Numerical problems on Lime-Soda process, Zeolite and Ion exchange method.
Unit – II
Fuels: Classification, combustion and chemical principles involved in it, calorific value: gross and net calorific values and their determination by bomb calorimeter.
Solid Fuels: Proximate and ultimate analysis of coal and their importance, High and low temperature carbonization, Coke. Its manufactures by Otto Hoffman oven.
Liquid Fuels: Petroleum: its chemical composition and fractional distillation, knocking and chemical structure, octane number and cetane number and their significance, power alcohol, Analysis of flue gases by Orsat‟s apparatus, Numerical on calorific value, combustion, proximate and ultimate analysis of coal.
Unit – III
Corrosion: Types of corrosion (dry, wet, atmospheric, galvanic and concentration corrosion), theories of corrosion, protective measures against corrosion, factors affecting corrosion, pitting corrosion, water line corrosion, underground corrosion, stress corrosion, micro biological corrosion, corrosion fatigue.
Batteries and Battery Technology: Primary cells, secondary batteries reserve batteries, fuel cells, solar cells.
Unit – IV
Portland Cements Introduction, types of Portland Cement, methods of manufacturing (dry and wet process), properties of cement, haracterization of constitutional compounds of cement, ISI specification.
Lubricants: Classification of lubricants and mechanisms of lubrication.
Polymers: Industrial applications of thermoplastic, thermosetting, polymers, properties and applications of the major polymers viz polyethylene, Teflon, PVC, nylon, phenol formaldehyde. Elastomers, Natural Polymers.
Unit – V
Introduction to Important Industrial Chemicals:
Industrial Method of preparation (one each), properties and major industrial uses of following chemicals: Ammonium Chloride, Ammonium Nitrate, Ammonium Sulphate, Bromine, Calcium Phosphate (Monocalcium Phosphate, Super phosphate), Chromic Acid (Chromium trioxide, Chromic anhydride), Acrylonitrile, Benzene (Benzol), Butyl Acetate, Caprolactam, Carbon Tetrachloride, Cellulose Acetate, Cresol (Crysylic Acid), Chloroform (Trichloromethane), Ether (Ethyl Ether), Ethyl Alcohol (Ethanol, Industrial Alcohol), Glycerine (glycerol), and Melamine.
Explosives and Propellants:
Characteristics of Explosives, Oxygen Balance, Classification of Explosives: Primary or Initiating Explosives or Detonators; Low Explosives or Propellants; High Explosives, Preparation and Applications of Explosives, Rocket Propellants, Characteristics of a Good Propellant, Classification of Propellants.

\Name of Text Books:
1. A Textbook of Engineering Chemistry by S.S. Dara (S. Chand and Company).
2. Engineering Chemistry by P.C. Jain (Dhanpat Rai publishing company)
Name of Reference Books:
1. Chemistry in Engineering and Technology (Vol-2) by J. C. Kuriacose, J. Rajaram (Tata McGraw Hill).
2. Engineering Chemistry by M.M. Uppal, Revised by S.C. Bhatia (Khanna Publishers).
3. Engineering Chemistry by B. K. Sharma(Krishna Prakashan).

Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University Bhilai (C.G.)
Semester: IInd                                       Branch: Common to All Branches
Subject: Engineering Graphics             Code: 300211 (37)
Total Theory Periods: 50 Total Tutorial Periods: 12
Total Marks in End Semester Exam: 80
Minimum number of class tests to be conducted: 02
a) Importance of Engineering Drawing, Scales: Representative Fraction, Type of Scale, Plain and Diagonal Scale.
b) Engineering Curves: Conic section, Ellipse, parabola, hyperbola, Cycloidal Curves: Cycloid, Epicycloid, Hypocycloid, Involute.
a) Projection: Introduction, Principle of Projection, method of projection, planes of projection, four quadrants, first and third angle projection, reference line symbols for methods of projection, Orthographic projection.
b) Projection of Points: Introduction point situated in first, second, third & fourth quadrant.
Projection of lines: Introduction, line parallel to one or both the planes, line contained by one or both the planes, line perpendicular to one of the planes, line inclined to one plane and parallel to other. Line inclined to both the planes. [Simple problems only]
a) Projections of planes: Introduction, types of planes, projection of planes, projection of planes perpendicular to both the reference planes, perpendicular to one plane and parallel to the other plane, perpendicular to one plane and inclined to the other plane.
b) Projections of Solids: Introduction, types of solids, projections of solids in simple position, projections of solids with axes inclined to one of the reference planes and parallel to the other, projections of solids with axes inclined to both H.P. and the V.P., section planes, types of sections, true shape of section, section of solids.
a) Development of Surfaces: Introduction, methods of development, development of lateral surfaces of right solids, cube, prisms, cylinders, pyramids & cone.
b) Isometric Projection: Introduction, Isometric axes, lines & planes, Isometric scale, Isometric projection and Isometric view of simple objects.
Computer Aided Drawing: Introduction to CAD, benefits and limitation of CAD, CAD Softwares, AutoCAD introduction, Basic Commands of AutoCAD, Concept of Layers, Dimensioning and text, Creation of two dimensional drawing.

(i) Bhatt, N.D., "Elementary Engineering Drawing", Charotar Book Stall, Anand
(ii) George Omura, " Mastering AutoCAD" B.P.B. Publication, New Delhi

(i) Engineering Graphics – Laxminarayanan & V. and Vaish Wanar, R.S. Jain Brothers, New Delhi
(ii) Engineering Graphics – Chandra, AM & Chandra Satish 1998.
(iii) Engineering Graphics – K.L. Narayan and P. Kannaih, Tata McGraw Hill
(iv) A Text book of Engineering Drawing (Plane & Solid Geometry) – N.D. Bhatt & V.M. Panchal, Charotar Publishing House
(v) The Fundamental of Engineering drawing and Graphics Technology – French and Vireck, McGraw Hill.

Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University Bhilai (C.G.)
Semester: Ist                                                                Branch: Common to All Branches
Subject: Elements of Electrical Engineering (New)    Code: 300118(24)
Total Theory Periods: 50 Total Tutorial Periods: 12
Total Marks in End Semester Exam: 80
Minimum number of class tests to be conducted: 02

Unit – 1
D.C. Networks: Introduction, Classification of elements – active , passive, unilateral, bilateral, linear, nonlinear, lumped and distributed; Electric circuit, Ohm‟s law, Kirchhoff‟s laws, Mesh and Nodal analysis, Delta-Star and Star-Delta Transformations, Superposition theorem, Thevenin‟s and Norton‟s theorems, Maximum Power Transfer theorem (Only independent sources).
Unit – 2
Single Phase A.C. Circuits: Production of ac voltage, waveforms and basic definitions, root mean square and average values of alternating currents and voltage, form factor and peak factor, phasor representation of alternating quantities, the j operator and phasor algebra, analysis of ac circuits, series circuits, parallel circuits, series parallel circuits, power in ac circuits.
Unit – 3
Three Phase AC circuits: Introduction, Generation of Three-phase EMF, Phase sequence, Connection of Three-phase Windings - Delta and Star connection : Line and Phase quantities, phasor diagrams, Power equations in balanced conditions.
Magnetic Circuits: Introduction, Magnetomotive force (MMF), Magnetic field strength, Reluctance, B-H curve, Comparison of the Electric and Magnetic Circuits, Series-Parallel Magnetic Circuit, Leakage flux and fringing, Magnetic Hysteresis, Eddy currents.
Unit – 4
Single phase Transformers: Introduction, Principles of operation, Constructional details, Ideal Transformer and Practical Transformer, EMF equation, Rating, Phasor diagram on no load, Losses, Efficiency calculations.
Direct current machines: Constructional details, Principle of operation of DC machines, e.m.f. equation, Torque production, classification of DC machines, Starting of DC motors.
(Only elementary treatment with simple problems on all the topics in this unit)
Unit – 5
Electrical Measuring Instruments: Introduction, classification of instruments – Indicating, Recording and Integrating type instruments; essential features of measuring instruments - deflecting torque, controlling torque, damping torque; Construction and working of moving iron and PMMC instruments, Shunt and multipliers.

Text Books:
1. V.N. Mittle and Arvind Mittal, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, Second Edition, Tata McGraw Hill.
2 Del Torro, Vincent “Electrical Engineering Fundamentals”, Second Edition Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.

Reference Books:
1. Fitzrald and Higgonbothom, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, Fifth Edition, McGraw Hill.
2. D.P. Kothari and I.J. Nagrath, “Theory and Problems of Basic Electrical Engineering”, PHI.
3. I.J. Nagrath and D.P. Kothari, ”Electrical Machines”, Tata McGraw Hill.
4 Ashfaq Hussain, “Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering”, Third Edition, Dhanpat Rai and Co.
5. H. Cotton, ”Advance Electrical Technology,” ISSAC Pitman, London.
6. Parker Smith S. (Ed. Parker Smith N.N.), “Problems in Electrical Engineering”, Tenth edition, Asia publication.

Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University Bhilai (C.G.)
Semester: Ist                                                 Branch: Common to All Branches
Subject: Applied Chemistry (Lab)               Code: 300121 (11)
Total Practical Periods: 28 Total Tutorial Periods: Nil
Total Marks in End Semester Exam: 40
List of Experiments
1. To determine the percentage composition of a mixture of Sodium Hydroxide and Sodium Chloride.
2. To determine the amount of Sodium Carbonate in the given mixture of Sodium Carbonate and Sodium Bicarbonate.
3. Determine the amount of Oxalic Acid and Sulphuric Acid/Hydrochloric Acid in one litre of solution given standard Sodium Hydroxide and Potassium Permanganate.
4. To determine the Carbonate, Bicarbonate and Chloride contents in irrigation water.
5. Argentometric titration one each of Vohlard's method and of Mohr's method.
6. Complexometric Titrations Ca & Mg.
7. Deternimation of dissolved Oxygen in given sample of water.
8. Deterination of calorific value of fuel by Bomb Calorimeter.
9. Determination of Flash Point and Fine Point of lubricant by Abels and Pensky Martin apparatus.

Name of the Text Books:
1. Laboratory manual on Engineering Chemistry by Dr. Sudha Rani (S. Chand and Company).
2. A Textbook on Experiments and Calculations in Engineering Chemistry by S.S. Dara (Dhanapat Rai Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd.).
Name of the Reference Books:
1. Vogel's Texbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis (Latest ed.), Revised by G.H. Jeffery, J. Bassett, J. Mendham & R.C. Denney.
2. Applied Chemistry: Theory and Practice (Latest ed.), by O.P. Vermani and A. K. Narula.

Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University Bhilai (C.G.)
Semester: Ist                                                                  Branch: Common to All Branches
Subject: Elements of Electrical Engineering (Lab)      Code: 300126(24)
Total Practical Periods: 28 Total Tutorial Periods: Nil
Total Marks in End Semester Exam: 40
List of Experiments
(To perform minimum 10 experiments)
1. To verify Thevenin‟s theorem and Norton‟s theorem.
2. To verify Superposition theorem.
3. To verify Kirchhoff‟s Current Law and Kirchhoff‟s Voltage Law.
4. To verify Maximum Power Transfer theorem
5. To determine V– I characteristics of Incandescent lamp.
6. To study B-H curve.
7. To measure current, power, voltage and power factor of series RLC circuit.
8. To measure current, power, voltage of parallel RLC circuit.
9. To measure current, power, voltage of series parallel RLC circuit.
10. To measure R and L of choke coil.
11. To study construction of transformer.
12. To perform ratio test and polarity test of single phase transformer.
13. To calculate efficiency of single phase transformer by direct loading.
14. To study construction of D.C. machine.
15. To study charging and discharging of a capacitor.
16. To study the Wattmeter and Energy meter.

Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University Bhilai (C.G.)
Semester: Ist                                       Branch: Common to All Branches
Subject: Workshop                             Code: 300124 (37)
Total Practical Periods: 36 Total Tutorial Periods: - NIL
Total Marks in End Semester Exam: 40
Minimum number of class tests to be conducted: 02

Timber, Definition, Engineering Application, Types of Wood, Seasoning and Preservation, PlyWood, PlyBoards.
Practical Work: T Lap Joint
End Lap Joint
Moulding Sands, Constituents and Characteristics, Pattern, Definition Material, Types, Core Prints, Role of Gate runner, riser, core, casting defects like blow holes & cavities.
Practical Work: Mould of any pattern
Casting of simple pattern
Welding , Brazing and soldering process and their applications. Oxy-acetylene gas welding process, Type of flame & their application. Manual & Metal arc welding technique and equipment, AC & DC welding, Constituents and functions of electrode coating, welding positions, type of weld joints, Common welding defects.
Practical Work:
1. Lap Joint by Gas Welding
2. Square butt joint Arc welding
3. Lap joint by Arc welding
4. Demonstration of brazing
Introduction to machining and common machining operations. Cutting tool material, Definition of machine tools, specification and block diagram of lathe, Shaper Drilling machine and grinder. Common lathe operations such as turning, parting, chamfering and facing. Quick return mechanism of shaper, Difference between drilling and boring, Files-Material classification.
Practical Work –
1. Preparation of step cutting Job, out of 5mm thick strip.
2. Preparation of „V‟ notch „V‟ groove, out of 5mm thick strip.
3. Preparation of Male-Female joint our of 5 mm thick strip.
1. Job on Lathe with one plane turning chamfering operations.
2. Job on Lathe with one step turning
3. Job on shaper for finishing two sides of a Job.
4. Drilling two holes of size 5mm and 12mm diameter on job used / to be used for shaping.
Forging principle, Material, Operations like drawing, upsetting, bending and forge welding, use of forged parts.
Exposure to High Tech Area: Exposure to High Tech Area like Plastic Injection Moulding, Die Casting, Diamond Cutting PCB Manufacturing, CNC manufacturing Latest Techniques in Welding etc. Should be imparted through factory visit and audio-visual means.
Latest Techniques in Welding

- Chapman, W.A.J. and Arnold E., “Workshop Technology” Vol. I & III, Viva Low price student Edition, 1998
- Chaudhary, Hajra, “Elements of Workshop Technology” Media Promoters & Publishers, 1997.
- Raghuwanshi, B.s., “Workshop Technology” Vol I 7 II, Dhanpat Rai and Sons 1998.

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