Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University ( or CSVTU) is an Engineering and Technology University in the city of Bhilai, India. On 30 April 2005, the foundation stone of the University was laid by the Prime Minister of India Manmohan Singh.

1 Civil Engg. 320811 ( 20 ) Structural Engineering Design - IV 4 1 - 80 20 20 120 5
2 Civil Engg. 320812 ( 20 ) Water Resources Engineering - II 4 1 - 80 20 20 120 5
3 Civil Engg. 320813 ( 20 ) Computer Applications in Civil Engineering 4 1 - 80 20 20 120 5
4 Refer Table -3 Elective - III 3 1 - 80 20 20 120 4
5 Refer Table -4 Open Elective - IV 3 1 - 80 20 20 120 4
6 Civil Engg. 320821 (20) Structural Engineering Drawing - II Lab - - 3 40 - 20 60 2
7 Civil Engg. 320822 (20) Water Resources Engineering Drawing Lab - - 3 40 - 20 60 2
8 Civil Engg. 320823 (20) Computer Applications in Civil Engineering Lab - - 3 40 - 20 60 2
9 Civil Engg. 320824 ( 20) Major Project - - 5 100 - 80 180 3
10 Civil Engg. 300825 (20) Report Writing and Seminar - - 2 - - 40 40 1

Total 18 5 17620 100 280 1000 33
L- Lecture T- Tutorial
P- Practical ESE- End Semester Exam
CT- Class Test T A- Teacher's Assessment

Table -3
Professional Elective III
Environmental Engineering Group
S.No. Board of Study Subject Code Subject
1 Civil Engg. 320871 ( 20 ) Industrial Waste Treatment
2 Civil Engg. 320872 ( 20 ) Advanced Environmental Engineering
3 Civil Engg. 320873 (20 ) Environmental Pollution and Management
4 Civil Engg. 320874 ( 20 ) Air Pollution and Control Measures
Structural Engineering Group
5 Civil Engg. 320875 ( 20) Prestressed Concrete Structures
6 Civil Engg. 320876 (20) Analysis of Framed Structures
7 Civil Engg. 320877 ( 20) Seismic Design of Structures
Water Resources Engineering Group
8 Civil Engg. 320878 (20 ) Open Channel Flow
9 Civil Engg. 320879 ( 20 ) Water Resources Planning and Management

10 Civil Engg. 320880 ( 20 ) Water Shed Management

Table –4
Open Elective -IV
S.No. Board of Studies Code Name of Subject
1 Management 300881 (36) Enterprise Resource Planning
2 Information Technology 300882 (33) E-Commerce & strategic IT
3 Management 300883 (36) Technology Management
4 Information Technology 300884 (33) Decision Support & Executive Information system
5 Computer Science & Engg. 300885 (22) Software Technology
6 Management 300886 (36) Knowledge Entrepreneurship
7 Management 300887 (36) Finance Management
8 Management 300888 (36) Project Planning, Management & Evaluation
9 Mechanical Engg. 300889 (37) Safety Engineering
10 Computer Science & Engg. 300890 (22) Bio Informatics
11 Mechanical Engg. 300891 (37) Energy Conservation & Management
12 Nanotechnology 300892 (47) Nanotechnology
13 Management 300893 (36) Intellectual Property Rights
14 Mechanical Engg. 300894 (37) Value Engineering
15 Civil Engg. 300895 (20) Disaster Management
16 Civil Engg. 300896 (20) Construction Management
17 Civil Engg. 300897 (20) Ecology and Sustainable Development
18 Chem. Engg. 300898 (19) Non Conventional Energy Sources
19 Electrical Engg. 300899 (24) Energy Auditing and Management

Subject: Structural Engineering Design-IV   Code: 320811 (20)

Unit 1Design of Combined Footings, Rectangular, Trapezoidal and Strap beam type & raff foundation.
Unit 2  Design of Retaining Walls, Cantilever and Counterfort
Unit 3  Design of Tanks, Rectangular and Circular, resting on ground and overhead type with flexible and fixed             base, Intze Type
Unit 4 Bridges, Design of super structure for slab bridge and T-Beam bridge for Highways
Unit 5 Prestressed Concrete, Introduction to Prestressed Concrete, Pre-tensioning and Post-tensioning, Different Systems, Losses in Prestress, Permissible stress in Concrete and Steel, Design of Simply supported beam with symmetrical sections,use of IS code

Name of Text Books:
RCC Structures – B.C. Punmia (Laxmi Publications)
Prestressed Concrete – N. Krishna Raju (New Age Publications)
RCC Design – Sinha & Roy (S. Chand & Co.)
Name of Reference Books:
RCC Structures – N. Krishna Raju (New Age Publications)
RCC Structures (Vol. – I & II) – O.P. Jain (Nem Chand Publications)
Bridge Engineering – R.K. Raina
IS code

Subject: Water Resources Engineering – II Code: 320812 (20)

Unit 1 Types of Dams, Suitability of a type of dam, Gravity dams – Forces acting on dams, failure of dams and
criteria for structural stability, Overturning, Compression or crushing, tension, sliding, principal and shear stress, stability analysis, Elementary profile of a gravity dam, High and low gravity dams, Profile from practical considerations, Design considerations, Openings in dams, Functions and Effects of opening, Joints, Keys and Water stops in gravity dams, Foundation treatment. Earth Dams Types of Earth fill dams, design criteria, Causes of failures, Control of Seepage, Stability of slopes.

Unit 2 Spillways and Energy Dissipaters Introduction, essential requirements of a spillway, spillway capacity, components, Types of spillways, Design of Ogee Spillway, Energy Dissipation below spillways, Types of Energy dissipater, Hydraulic jump as energy dissipater, Stilling basins, design of stilling basin, USBR stilling basins, standard basins.

Unit 3 Diversion Headworks Introduction, Types of diversion works, location and components, Weir and Barrage, Effect of construction of weir on the river regime, Causes of failures of Weirs on permeable foundations, their remedies, Bligh’s creep theory, Lane’s Theory, Theory of seepage flow, Khosla’s theory, Design of Vertical drop Weir, Design of Glacis Weir, Canal head regulator.

Unit 4 
Regulation Works Introduction, Definition of falls, necessity and location of falls, Design and comparative study of the main types of falls, Cross regulator and distributary regulators, their designs.
Hydraulic Gates Control equipments for out-lets, spillway gates, types, design criteria for radial gates, air vents.

Unit 5 Cross Drainage Works Introduction, types, suitability, design of various types of C-D Works, Aqueduct, Syphon Aqueduct, Super Passage, Syphon, level crossing, inlets and outlets. Channel Transition Design of channel transition-expansions and contractions, curves for sub-critical and super critical flows.

Name of Text Books:
Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures – S.K. Garg (Khanna Publications)
Irrigation Engineering – B.C. Punmia (Laxmi Publications)
Name of Reference Books:
Irrigation, Water Resources and Water Power Engineering – Dr. P.N. Modi (Standard Book House)
Theory and Design of Irrigation Structures (Volume – I & II) – Varshney (Nem Chand Bros.)
Irrigation Engineering – Asawa G.L. (New Age International Publications)
Fundamentals of Irrigation Engineering – Bharat Singh (Nem Chand & Bros.)

Subject: Computer Applications in Civil Engineering Code: 320813 (20)

Unit 1 Fluid Mechanics Applications
Flowcharts, Algorithms and C++ programs for – Flow through pipes, Computation of friction factor, Hardy Cross method of water supply distribution, Determination of depth of flow and discharge in rectangular and circular open channels.

Unit 2 CPM and survey applications
Flowcharts, Algorithms and C++ programs for – Determination of earliest expected time for an activity, Network analysis and determination of critical path, Survey adjustments, Determination of RL of various points by Rise & Fall and HI methods.

Unit 3 Geotechnical Engineering Applications
Flowcharts, Algorithms and C++ programs for – Determination of vertical effective stress at a given depth for any soil profile and water table conditions, Determination of bearing capacity of soil for given soil and water table conditions, Determination of one dimensional preconsolidation settlement under compacted fill, Determination of horizontal and vertical hydraulic conductivities for flow through anisotropic soils.

Unit 4 Structural Analysis Applications
Flowcharts, Algorithms and C++ programs for – Computation of SF & BM at any desired section of a simply
supported beam for any loading conditions, Analysis of portal frames by moment distribution method, Determination of maximum shear force at a section of a simply supported beam subjected to a system of rolling loads, Determination of maximum bending moment at a section of a simply supported beam subjected
to a system of rolling loads.

Unit 5 Structural Design Applications
Flowcharts, Algorithms and C++ programs for – Design of Simply supported beams, Design of Columns,
Design of Slabs, Design of Foundations.

Name of Text Books:
Let us C++ – Yeshwant Kanitkar (BPB Publications)
Problem Solving with C++ – Savitch (Addison Wesley Publication)
Name of Reference Books:
C++ Interactive Course – Lafore (BPB Publications)
C++ Components and Algorithms – et. al. (BPB Publications)
Object Oriented Programming in Turbo C++ – Rober Lafore (Galgotia Publications)

Subject: Industrial Waste Treatment Code: 320871 (20)

Unit 1 General
Effect of discharge of industrial wastewaters on streams, land and environment, Importance and scope,
Problems involved in treatment, Variation in quality and quantity of industrial wastewaters.
Standards & Criteria Indian standards for discharge of treated wastewaters onland, into municipal sewer and natural water courses. Sampling of Wastewaters Representative sample, Grab and composite samples.

Unit 2 Effluent Quality and Quantity
Approaches to minimization – good house keeping, equalization and neutralization by mixing of different
effluent streams; recycling of wastewater streams. Process modifications in terms of raw materials and
chemicals used, Treatment of industrial wastes, Removal of dissolved and suspended solids, Organic waste
treatment processes, Sludge treatment and handling.

Unit 3 General Approaches to Planning of Industrial Wastewater Treatment and Disposal
Equalization and proportioning, Neutralization
Treating different effluent streams separately
Treating different streams jointly after mixing them partly or fully
Including / excluding domestic wastewater along with the industrial waste
Treating industrial wastewaters along with town waste.

Unit 4
General Approaches for Handling and Treatment of Specific Characteristics of Industrial Wastewaters
Stream Water Quality, DO Sag Curve, etc. Approaches for treating wastes having shock loads, colours, toxic
metal-ions, refractory substances, e.g., ABS and other detergents, growth inhibiting substances such as
insecticides, high concentration of nutrients (N.P.K., etc.), oil and grease, suspended solids, BOD., hot
wastes, wastes with acidity, alkalinity, etc.

Unit 5
Process Flow Diagrams, Characteristics and Treatment of Various Industrial Wastes
Industrial wastes of pulp and paper, textile, tannery, food, canning, sugar mill, distillery, dairy, pharmaceutical,
electroplating, etc. Industrial pollution abatement measures, referring to case studies in fertilizer industries, textile, petroleum refineries and distilleries.

Name of Text Books:
Introduction to Environmental Science – Y. Anjaneyulu (B.S. Publications)
Elements of Environmental Engineering – K.N. Duggal (S. Chand & Co., New Delhi)
Name of Reference Books:
The Treatment of Industrial Wastes – Besselieure, E.B. and Schwartz, M. (McGraw Hill Kogakusha Ltd., New
Delhi, 1969)
Industrial Water Pollution – Nemerow, N.L. (Ann Arbour, New York, 1978)
Waste Water Engineering – MetCalaff Eddy (Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi)
Environmental Engineering – G.N. Pandey & G.C. Karney (Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi)

Subject: Advanced Environmental Engineering Code: 320872 (20)

Unit 1 
Concept of ecological principles, fundamental constituents of environment, Concept of productivity, Pollution
and environmental health, pollution cost, Monitoring of pollution, environmental pollution, strategy for a livable
environment, international institutions for environmental management.
Unit 2
Air Pollution, introduction, effect of air pollution on the environment, sources of air pollution and control,
biomedical aspects of air pollution, Meteorological aspects of air pollution, lapse rate, temperature inversion,
adverse effects of air pollution. Sources and effects of air pollutants like CO, nitrogen oxides, sulphur oxides, hydrocarbons, particulate matters.
Unit 3
Water Pollution, What is water pollution, drinking water standards, quality of water for other uses, stream
pollution and self purification natural streams, Streeter-Phelps Water Quality Model. Biological treatment, design of A.S.P., trickling filter, oxidation pond, sludge treatment and disposal, disposal system and effluent discharge standards.
Unit 4
Air pollution monitoring, stack monitoring system, high volume sampler, air quality standards for ambient air,
mathematical modeling in air of pollution control, Box model, Gaussian Plume Model, air pollution from mobile
sources and their control.
Unit 5
Reclamation of waste water, radio active waste management, eutrophication of lakes, measurement and
detection of eutrophication, acid rain, global warning and green house effect, ozone depletion. Indoor air pollution control measures, Occupational diseases and their impact on environment.

Name of Text Books:
Waster Water Engineering – S.K. Garg (Khanna Publication).
Waste Water Engineering – B.C. Punmia (Laxmi Publication, New Delhi)
Name of Reference Books:
(1) Environmental Engineering – Peavy & Rowe (Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi).
(2) Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering – G.S. Birdi (Dhanpat Rai Publications).
(3) Introduction to Environmental Science – Y. Anjaneyulu (B.S. Publications).
(4) Environmental Science and Engineering – Henry and Heinke (Pearson Education).
(5) Waste Water Engineering – Metcalf Eddy (Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi).

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