ON …….
Presented by
•Role of site
•Footing design
•Plinth design
•Frames , doors ,
A building is consists of many structural
components. Generally, structural components are divided into two
i) Sub structure and
ii) Super structure
Sub structure:
The structure below ground level is called sub structure. Sub
structure can also be
divided into two parts- a) Foundation and b) Plinth
The most lower part of the building. The main function
of the foundation is to transfer load to sub soil. It is the most important
part of structure. Most of the failure of a structure may happen due to
foundation failure. Foundation should be strong enough to meet the following
It should be strong enough to distribute the load to sub
It is capable to support structure.
The part between surrounding ground level and
ground floor of the building is called plinth. The purposes of the plinth are-
Transfer the incoming load from super structure to the
Provide damp prove to the building
Support the back filling as a retaining wall. Plinth
also increases the esthetical look of the building.
Keep in mind that, sometimes, plinth isn't considered as
sub structure and count it as an individual part of a structure.
Super structure:
The part above plinth level is called super structure. Super
structure contains many
other structural components. Such as-
Lintel & sunshade
Step & stair
Wall: Wall
is used to separate the usable area of floor for different purpose. Such as
bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, living etc. Other prime purpose of wall is to
provide privacy and security.
Floor: The
main purpose of floor is to provide better living space and support of
occupants, furniture and other equipment of a building. The purpose of making
different floor in different level of a building is to create
more accommodation within limited space. Floor should be strong,
durable, damp prove and heat protected.
Lintel & Sunshade: Lintel is provided for the purpose of supporting
wall above door or window opening. Sunshade is generally combined with lintel
above window opening to protect rain & sun.
Step & Stair: Stair is made for easy communication among various
floors of a building. Stair consists of steps. steps height should be
comfortable enough for vertical movement.
Roof: The
top most part of a building is the roof. Roof is build for the purpose of
enclosing and protect the living area/floor area from weather effect. Roof
should be stable, durable and weather resistant.
There are also others structural parts of a building.
Such as water tank, septic tank and parapet etc. Septic tank and under ground
water tank is completely separate structural part and not included in building
structure. But, parapet and overhead water tank are parts of building
Role of engineer at
site :-
sense and the ability to reason.
of what a particular construction is designed to do.
•A general
understanding of how process
equipment is maintained
and operated.
•Ability to generate a safe ,comprehensive layout
within a specified time and with
consideration toward constructability and cost-effectiveness.
•Ability to resolve unclear or questionable data.
•Willingness to compromise in the best interest of the
•Ability to generate clear and concise documents.
•Ability to defend designs when challenged.
The layout of your home is probably one
of the most significant choices you will ever make regarding your home.
Regardless if you live in an apartment, a condominium or a house, the layout of
the rooms and how they flow will largely depend on your lifestyle.
Whether you prefer single story or multiple stories, and all the bedrooms on
the top floor – choosing a perfect plan can be stressful.
It contain the following factors:
•Plot shape and area
A simple layout may clearify your doubts
While layouting :-
•Rectangular plot is said to good for residential building.
•Take reference of predefined object like road or nearby house
for proper alignment of plot.
•It should be kept in mind the marking for footing n whole layouting will done in same day only other wise
it increases error.
•Human error must be avoided.
•Excavation work will start only after approval of project
the question arises what will be the footing ?
type of foundationis
required ?
The answer we all know let us revise –
•Types of soil
•Total load applied
•Climatic condition
•Near by structure
•Ground water level
Plinth beams resting on brick masonry having brick
footings is always a helpful
in respect of following:
i) Plinth beams needs to be designed only for EQ/wind and the vertical loading
will be carried throgh brick footings
ii) The brick masonry having footings act as shear walls for taking care of EQ forces
(benefit in column design can be taken)
iii)Load on columns and their footings is less as GF walls weight is directly on ground
as per (i)
iv)Brick footings requirements is bare minimum and also, foundation depth for brick footings can be shallower than main columns
in respect of following:
i) Plinth beams needs to be designed only for EQ/wind and the vertical loading
will be carried throgh brick footings
ii) The brick masonry having footings act as shear walls for taking care of EQ forces
(benefit in column design can be taken)
iii)Load on columns and their footings is less as GF walls weight is directly on ground
as per (i)
iv)Brick footings requirements is bare minimum and also, foundation depth for brick footings can be shallower than main columns
v) Brick footings help to take care of unequal
Advantages are of manifold nature vis-a vis additional construction of brick footings and is justifiable
Advantages are of manifold nature vis-a vis additional construction of brick footings and is justifiable
Walls :-
In brick masonry, there are many techniques to stack
bricks. These different arrangements are known as bricks bonds. Each bond has
its own characteristics. Following are the commonly used bricks bonds.
•Stretcher Bond
•English Bond
•Flemish Bond
•Common/American/English Garden Wall Bond
•Flemish Garden Wall Bond
•Herringbone Bond
1. Stretcher Bond
•Easiest bond to lay & it minimizes the amount of
cutting required.
•Originally used for single brick walls.
•It is used for cavity walls as less cutting is required.
•Walls are half brick wide.
•No two adjacent vertical joints should be in line.
2. English Bond
•Alternative courses of headers and stretchers.
•One header placed centrally above each stretcher.
•This is a very strong bond when the wall is 1 brick
thick (or more thicker).
•One of the strongest brickwork patterns.
3. Flemish Bond
•Alternate bricks are placed as header and stretcher in
every course.
•Each header is placed centrally between the stretcher
immediately above and below. This is not as strong as the English bond at 1
brick thick .
•It can be successfully applied in cavity wall.
4. Common/American/English Garden Wall
•A pattern made like Stretcher bond but with a row of
headers replacing every nth course (n is usually odd).
5. Flemish Garden Wall Bond
•In this variant of Flemish bond, one header is placed at
every third stretcher.
6. Herringbone Bond
•It is a purely decorative bond. It is used in floor and
wall panels.
Qualities of good brick work
1.Aesthetic Appearance: Shape
2.Durability: Strength and lasting power
3.Resistance to Rain Penetration
4.Compressive Strength
5.Fire Resistance
6.Sound Insulation
7.Low thermal and moisture Movement
9.Versatility in Application
10.Low maintenance Requirements
Lintel can
be a load-bearing building component, a decorative architectural element, or a
combined ornamented structural item. It is often found over
portals, doors, windows, and fireplaces.
The types of lintels design and
manufacture are as follows:
Curved Lintels - Curved lintel sections do not conform in shape
due to different manufacturing techniques used.
Cavity Wall Lintels - Harvey lintels manufacture cavity wall lintels
for any project. Use the lintel type selection menu above to choose the right
lintel for your needs.
Corner Lintels and Posts - Whatever the corner Harvey can supply a lintel
and/or post.
Freature Brick Lintels -
allows the face brick to be exposed on the underside and can be incorporated in
all arched lintels and any straight lintels
Lintels Using Standard Steel Sections - We manufacture a full range of lintels utilizing
steel sections. If you need a steel section and support for the outer brick and
an insulated cavity just ask.
Lintels with windpost connection - We supply a
full range of wind posts, manufactured from Stainless and Galvanised
Solid Wall Lintels - Internal, Box, Angle and Channel - Harvey
lintels manufacture Solid Wall lintels for any project.
Timber Frame Lintels - Harvey lintels manufacture lintels for use with
timber frames to any specification.
Outer Leaf Lintels - Whatever the outer leaf, Harvey can supply a
Eave Lintels - Harvey lintels can manufacture lintels for any
Arch Lintels - Our design system is almost limitless and Arched
Lintels can be manufactured for any span and for any type of wall construction.
Structural uses
In worldwide architecture of different eras and many
cultures, a lintel has been an element of Post and
lintel construction. Many different building materials have been used for
lintels. A lintel is defined as a structural horizontal block that spans the
space or opening between two vertical supports.
In classical western construction methods, defining
lintel by its Merriam-Webster definition, a lintel is a load-bearing
member and is placed over an entranceway. In ancient Western
classical architecture the lintel, called an architrave, is a
structural element that usually rested on stone pillars or stacked stone
columns, over a portal or entranceway. An example from the Mycenaean
Greece cultural period (c. 1600 BCE – c. 1100 BCE) is theTreasury of
Atreus in Mycenae,
A lintel in a fireplace supports the chimney above the
RCC slab can be various types depending on various
criteria. Such as ribbed slab, flat slab, solid slab, continuous slab, simply
supported slab etc. That is another topic. Today we are going to discuss the
types of solid RCC slabs.
Types of Solid RCC Slab
Types of Solid RCC Slab
RCC solid slabs are three types depending on design criteria.
One-way slab
Two-way slab
Cantilever slab
One-way slab – When can we called a solid slab one-way slab? If a solid RCC slab meets the following criteria then we can call that one-way slab -
The slab rests on two beams only,
The slab can be rested on four beams but the long-span of slab should be greater than two times of short-span. See the image below “One Way Slab”.
In one way slab, the main reinforcement should be along slab’s short direction.
Two-way slab – When a Solid RCC slab rests on four beams but
long-span of slab is less than or equal to two times of short-span then we can
call that slab a “two-way slab”. See Image below “Two-Way Slab”. In two-way
slab, main reinforcement runs both in short and long direction and stay
perpendicularly with one another.
Cantilever slab – Cantilever Slab has only one support at one end and other three ends are open. See the image below “Cantilever slab”. The main reinforcement of cantilever slab should be extended one and half times beyond its support.
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