ChhattisgarhSwamiVivekanand Technical University, Bhilai
BE (Civil Engineering) III Semester
Note: Duration of all theory papers will be of Three Hours.
Subject: Mathematics - III Code: 320351(14)
Course Objectives:
1. Make student to understand FourierSeries.
2. To understand the Laplace Transform.
3. To understand the Partial Differential Equation..
4. To provide an understanding about Complex variables
5. To understand statistics
UNIT- I FOURIER SERIES: Euler’s Formula, Functions having points of discontinuity, Change of interval, Even & Odd functions, Half range series, Harmonic analysis.
UNIT-II LAPLACE TRANSFORM:Definition, Transform of elementary functions, Properties of Laplace transform, Transform of derivatives & integrals, Multiplication by tn, Division by t, Evaluation of integrals, Inverse Laplace Transform, Convolution theorem, Unit step function, Unit impulse function, Periodic function, Application to solution of ordinary differential equations.
UNIT- III PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION:Formation, Solution by direct integration method, Linear equation of first order, Homogeneous linear equation with constant coefficients, Non-homogeneous linear equations, Method of separation of variables.
UNIT-IV COMPLEX VARIABLES:Derivative, Cauchy-Riemann equations, Analytic functions, Harmonic functions, Flow problems, Complex integration, Cauchy theorem, Cauchy integral formula, Taylor & Laurent series, Singularity, Residue, Evaluation of real definite integrals.
UNIT-V STATISTICS:Random variables, Discrete & continuous probability distributions, Expectation, Mean & Standard Deviation, Moments & moment generating function, Distributions- Binomial, Poisson and Normal distributions.
Text Books:
1. Higher Engg. Mathematics by Dr. B.S. Grewal– Khanna Publishers.
2. Advanced Engg. Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig – John Wiley & Sons.
Reference Books:
1. Advanced Engg.Mathematics by R.K. Jain and S.R.K. Iyengar – Narosa Publishing House.
2. Applied Mathematics by P.N.Wartikar& J.N. Wartikar. Vol- II– PunVidyarthiGrihPrakashan,Pune
3. Applied Mathematics for Engineers & Physicists by Louis A. Pipes- TMH.
Course Outcome:
1. Students are expected to understand Fourier Series
2. Students are expected to understand LAPLACE TRANSFORM
3. Students are expected to understand PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION
4. Students are expected to understand COMPLEX VARIABLES and STATISTICS
Subject: Fluid Mechanics – I Code: 320352(20)
UNIT- I INTRODUCTION -Fluid and continuum, physical properties of fluids ideal and real fluid, Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Fluid. Fluid Statics-Pressure density height relationship, pressure measurement by Manometers, Pressure on plane and curved surfaces, centre of pressure, buoyancy, stability of immersed and floating bodies, metacentric height,
UNIT-II Kinematics of fluid flow -Steady and unsteady flow, uniform and non uniform flow, laminar and turbulent flow, one, two and three dimensional flow, streamlines, streak lines and path lines, circulation and vorticity, rotational and irrotational flow, velocity potential and stream function, continuity equation.
UNIT- III Dynamics of fluid flow-Euler’s equation of motion along a streamline and its integration, Bernoulli’s equation and its applications – Pitot tube, Venturimeter, orificemeter, nozzles, momentum equation and its application to stationary and moving plates/vanes, pipe bends, problems related to combined application of energy and momentum equations.
UNIT-IV Flow in Pipes-Reynolds’s experiment, experimental determination of critical velocity, transition from laminar to turbulent flow, Laminar flow through circular tubes, flow between parallel plates, minor losses in pipe lines, loss due to sudden contraction, expansion, etc; Hot wire anemometer and LDA.Flow in open ChannelComparison between open channel and pipe flow, definition of uniform and non-uniform flow, uniform flow formulae, Chezy’s and Manning’s Formula, Hydraulically efficient channel section of rectangular, trapezoidal and circular type.
UNIT-V Flow through mouthpiece and orifices-Hydraulic coefficients of orifice, bell method orifice, mouthpieces, Borda's mouthpiece, running free and submerged.Notches and Weirs-Rectangular, triangular and trapezoidal notches and weir, cippoletti and broad crested weir, aeration of nappe, cavitations submerged weir.
Text Books:
1. Fluid Mechanics and Machines – Dr. A.K. Jain (Khanna Publications)
2. Fluid Mechanics and Machines – Dr. R.K. Bansal (Laxmi Publications)
3. Fluid Mechanics – Dr. P.N. Modi (Standard Book House)
Reference Books:
1. Mechanics of Fluid – Irving H. Shames (McGraw Hill)
2. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics – James A. Fay (Prentice Hall India)
3. Fluid Mechanics – R.J. Garde (New Age International Publication)
4. Fluid Mechanics – Streeter V.L. & Wylie E.B. (Tata McGraw Hills)
5. Fluid Mechanics – John F. Douglous (Pearsons)
Subject: Surveying – I Code: 320353(20)
UNIT- I Leveling - Different methods of determining elevations: Spirit, Trigometric, Barometric and Photogrammetric methods, Spirit leveling-Definitions of terms, Principle, Construction, Temporary and permanent adjustment of levels. Sensitivity of bubble tube, Automatic levels, Leveling staves, Methods of spirit leveling Booking and reduction of field notes, Curvature and refraction, Reciprocal leveling Plotting of profiles, Barometric leveling, Trigonometric leveling-simple and reciprocal observations
UNIT-II Contouring - Direct and Indirect methods of contouring. Interpolation of contours, Drawing section from contour map, Application and Modern methods of depicting relief on a Map. Minor Instruments- Construction and field use of altimeter, Description and use of Hand level, Abney Level, clinometers, ceylonghat tracer, Box Sexant, Pentagraph, planimeter, ediograph.
UNIT- III Theodolite And Traversing- Venire and microptic theodolites, Temporary and permanent adjustments, Requirements of non-adjustable parts, Measure of horizontal and vertical angles by different methods Principle of traversing by theodolite, Field work and checks,
UNIT-IV Traverse Computations and Plane Table Survey - Computation of coordinates, Source of errors, Precision of traversing, Checking and Balancing the traverses, Principles, Advantages and disadvantages, Plane table equipment, Different methods of Plane Table Surveying, Resection-Two and Three point problems. Fields work in Plane Table Surveying and contouring.
UNIT-V Curves - Classification of curves; Elements of Circular, compound, Transition and Vertical curves, Theory and method of setting out Simple, Transition, compound and Vertical curves with field problems.
Text Books:
1. Surveying (Vol. I & II) – Punmia, B.C. (Laxmi Publications, New Delhi, 1996)
2. Surveying (Vol. II & III) – Agor, R (Khanna publications, Delhi, 1995)
Reference Books:
1. Surveying (Vol. II & III) – Arora, K.R. (Standard Book House, Delhi, 1993)
2. Fundamentals of Surveying – S.K. Roy (Prentice Hall of India)
3. Surveying (Vol. I & II) – S.K. Duggal (Tata McGraw Hill)
4. Surveying (Vol. I & II) – Kanetkar T.P. (Pune VidyarthiGrihaPrakashan, Pune)
5. Surveying (Vol. I & II) – C Venkataramaih ( Universitires Press Hyderabad)
Subject: Mechanics of Solids Code: 320354(20)
UNIT- I Stress Strain Relations - Types of stresses and strains, Mechanicals properties and testing of steel, Hooke’s law, Uniaxial tensile test, stress – strain curve, hardness, impact, Poisson’s ratio, Modulus of rigidity, Bulk modulus, Relation between the elastic constants, Thermal effects, Elongation of bars of constant and varying sections. Statically indeterminate problems in tension and compression. Thin cylindrical and spherical vessels.
UNIT-II Analysis of Stresses and Strains - Body forces, Surface forces, Internal Force, Stress at a point. Components of stress in rectangular coordinates, Principal stresses, Transformation equations, Stress invariants. Plane stresses. Mohr’s circle for plane stress, Differential equations of equilibrium. Deformable bodies, Concepts of normal strain and shear strain, Strain components at a point. Transformation equations. Principal strains. Mohr’s circle for strains. Compatibility conditions. Displacement equation of equilibrium, Plane strain.
UNIT- III Bending of Beams -Theory of simple bending - limitations - bending stresses in beams of different cross sections, beams of uniform strength, beams of two materials, shear stresses in symmetrical elastic beams transmitting both shear and bending moment. Shear force and bending moment diagrams for simply supported overhanging. and cantilever beams and statically determinate plane frames
UNIT-IV Columns and Combined stresses -Stable and unstable equilibrium, Short columns, Euler’s formula for long columns, Rankin’s formula. Beams subjected to bending and shear, Eccentrically loaded short column, Kern of rectangular sections, Middle third rule, stability of gravity dams & retaining walls.
UNIT-V Unsymmetrical Bending and Torsion Unsymmetrical bending – Location of neutral axis, Shear flow - shear centre - determination of shear centre for simple sections. Torsion of circular solid and hollow circular shafts - power transmission. Closed coiled and open coiled helical springs.
Text Books:
1. Strength of Materials – R.K. Rajput (S. Chand & Co.)
2. Mechanics of Materials – B.C. Punmia (Laxmi Publication)
Reference Books:
1. Mechanics of Structures (Vol. – I) – Junarkar (Charotar Publications)
2. Strength of Materials – Timoshenko, S. & Gere (CBS Publishers)
3. Introductions to Solid Mechanics –Shames & Pitarresi (Prentice Hall of India)
4. Engineering Mechanics of Solid – Popov (Pearson Publication)
5. Strength of Materials – S. Ramamurtham (Dhanpat Rai Publications)
6. Strength of Materials (Part-I) – Timoshenko (CBS Pubishers)
Subject: Building Materials Code: 320355(20)
UNIT- I Cement and aggregates- Types of Cement, Hydration of cement, tests on properties of cement, ferro cement. Classification of Aggregates (Coarse and Fine) and their properties, tests on aggregates.Classification of Pozzolanas and applications.
UNIT-II Concrete - Properties of concrete in fresh and hardened state, water cement ratio, Modulus of elasticity, factors affecting strength of concrete and durability, mixing, transporting, placing, compacting and curing concrete, variables in proportioning concrete mixes, admixtures in concrete, tests on concrete.
UNIT- III Ceramic Materials- Introduction to ceramics, types of ceramic products, properties of ceramics, ceramic building products, manufacturing of ceramic products.
UNIT-IV Timber and Plywood - Characteristics of good timber, seasoning and preservation, names of timber producing trees and their relative market value. Types and uses of plywood, veneers and hardboards. Low cost materials for construction – System concepts, cost effective materials, industrial wastes, agricultural wastes, methods needed for propagation of new technologies from laboratory to field.
UNIT-V Paints, Glass etc. Commercially available varieties of ceramics, glass and their uses, types of tiles, method of manufacturing and tests for suitability. Uses of Plastics and PVC. Composition and use of paints, varnishes and distempers. Composite materials, types and uses.
Text Books:
1. Building Materials – S.K. Duggal (New Age Publication)
2. Building Materials – S. C. Rangwala (Charotar Publication)
3. Building Materials – M.L. Gambhir, NehaJamwal (Mc. Grawhill)
Reference Books:
1. Concrete Technology – A.M. Neville & J.J. Brooks (Pearson Education)
2. Concrete Technology – M.S. Shetty (S. Chand & Co.)
3. Engineering Materials – Surendra Singh (Laxmi Publication)
4. Construction Engineering and Management – S. Seetharaman (UmeshPublication)
5. Building Materials – Gurucharan Singh (Standard Publishers, Delhi)
Subject: Engineeirng Geology Code: 320356(20)
UNIT- I Introduction to Engg. Geology -To understand fundamental concepts of engineering geology, engineering strength, physical & mechanical properties of minerals, rock forming minerals: A case study.
UNIT-II Rocks and its formations -Types of rocks and origins (structure, texture, agents), ternary diagrams, causes of metamorphism, Folds, Faults, Unconformity & joints: a case study.
UNIT- III Earthquakes - Earthquake, its causes, classification, seismic zones of India , seismotectanics of the Indian plate, earthquake problem and its preventive measures in construction of building , reservoir , dams , underground railway track & tunnels etc : A case study.
UNIT-IV Landslides, Land subsidence and Geological Hazards - Landslides, its causes, classification and preventive measures, land subsidence, its causes and preventive measures, major geological hazards & geological considerations in design of constructed facilities and infrastructure, mitigation of landslide hazard: A case study.
UNIT-V Geological investigations in Civil Engg -Geophysical techniques as aids in engineering geological investigations, geological conditions necessary for construction of bridges, dams, tunnels, building, road cuttings, concept of geological maps, important terminology used for map and making a section from the map: A case study
Text Books:
1. A Textbook of Geology – Mukherjee P.K. (World Press Publishers)
2. Engineering Geology – D.S. Arora (Mohindra Capital Publisher, Chandigarh)
Reference Books:
1. Geology and Engineering – Leggot, R.F. (Mc-Graw Hill, New York)
2. A Geology for Engineers – Blyth, F.G.M. (Arnold, London)
3. Civil Engineering Geology – Cyril Sankey Fox (C. Lockwood and son, U.K.)
4. Engineering and General Geology – Prabin Singh (Katson Publication House)
Subject: Fluid Mechanics – I Laboratory Code: 320361(20)
List of Experiments: (At leastTen experiments are to be performed by each student)
1. To determine the met centric height of a ship model.
2. Verification of Bernoulli’s equation.
3. Verification of momentum equation.
4. To calibrate a venturimeter and study the variation of the coefficient of discharge with the Reynolds number.
5. To calibrate aorificemeter and study the variation of the coefficient of discharge with the Reynolds number.
6. Experimental determination of critical velocity in pipe.
7. Determination of head loss coefficient due to sudden expansion in pipe.
8. Determination of head loss coefficient due to sudden contraction in pipe.
9. Determination of head loss coefficient in pipe bends.
10. To determine the hydraulic coefficients (Cc, Cd and Cv) of an orifice.
11. To determine the coefficient of discharge of a mouth piece.
12. To calibrate a triangular notch.
13. To calibrate a rectangular notch.
14. To obtain the surface profile and the total distribution of a forced vortex.
Equipment/Machines/Instruments/Tools/Software Required:
Ship Model
Bernoulli’s Apparatus
Apparatus for momentum theorem
Pipe Flow Apparatus
Orifice Apparatus
Mouth Piece Apparatus
Notch Apparatus
Vortex Flow Apparatus
Recommended Books:
1. Hydraulics Laboratory Manual – S.K. Likhi (New Age International Ltd.)
2. Fluid Mechanics – JagdishLal (Metropolitan Educational, New Delh-2)
Subject: Surveying Field Work I Code: 320362(20)
List of Experiments: (At leastTen experiments are to be performed by each student)
1. To determine the elevation of a point with respect to reference elevation by Fly Leveling
2. To determine sensitivity of bubble tube of a dumpy level.
3. Contouring and its plotting.
4. Measurement of horizontal angle by repetition method.
5. Measurement of horizontal angle by reiteration method.
6. To determine the height of object when base is accessible.
7. To determine the height of tower when base is inaccessible and instrument stations are in same vertical plane.
8. To find out the position of points by the Plane Table Radiation and Intersection method.
9. Determination of location of a point with the help of Two point problem.
10. Determination of location of a point with the help of Three point problem.
11. Setting out of curve by ordinates or offsets from long chord.
12. Setting out of curve by successive bisection of arcs.
13. Setting out of curve by offsets from chords produced .
14. Setting out of curve by two theodolite method.
15. Setting out of curve by Rankine’s method.
Equipment/Machines/Instruments/Tools/Software Required:
Metric Chain (30 m)
Tape (15m, 30 m)
Ranging Rod (2 m, 3m)
Plumb bob
Leveling Staff (Folding and Non-folding)
Wooden Pegs
Plain Table Accessories (Drawing Board – 70 x 60 x 1.5 cm, Spirit Level, Trough Compass, Tripod Stand, Alidade,
Plumb bob for centering)
Offset Rod
Optical Square
Cross Staff
Recommended Books:
1. Surveying (Vol. I & II) – Punmia, B.C. (Laxmi Publications, New Delhi, 1996)
2. Surveying (Vol. I & II) - C Venkataramaih (Universities Press Hyderabad)
3. Surveying (Vol. I & II) – Kanetkar T.P. (Pune VidyarthiGrihaPrakashan, Pune)
Subject: Material Testing Laboratory Code: 320363(20)
List of Experiments: (At leastTen experiments are to be performed by each student)
1. Determination of Compressive strength of cement.
2. Determination of Tensile strength of cement.
3. Determination of Fineness of cement by sieving method.
4. Determination of Fineness of cement by Blain Apparatus.
5. Determination of Soundness of cement.
6. Determination of Specific gravity of cement.
7. To determine Uniaxial Tensile Test of mild steel.
8. To determine IzodCharpy Value of given mild steel.
9. To determine the Rockwell Hardness of given Material.
10. To determine Compressive Strength of Wood: (a) Along the fibre and (b) Across the
11. Determination of Specific gravity and water absorption of aggregate.
12. Abrasion Test on tiles.
13. Impact test on tiles.
14. Flexural Strength of Tiles.
15. To study the Cupping Test Machine and determine Ericheser value of mild steel sheet.
Equipment/Machines/Instruments/Tools/Software Required:
Cube mould 7.06 cm size
IS Sieve 80, 40, 20, 10, 4.75, 2.36, 1.18 mm and 600, 300, 150, 90 Micron
Sieve Shakers
Tensile Strength Testing Machine
Oven Wire Basket
Spring Balance and Weighing Balance
Air permeability blain apparatus
Abrasion Testing Machine
Flexural Strength Testing Machine for tiles
Universal Testing Machine
Hardness Testing Machine
Impact Testing Machine
Recommended Books:
1. Lab Manual Concrete Lab – M.L. Gambhir (Tata McGraw Hill)
2. Concrete Technology – M.S. Shetty (S. Chand & Co.)
Subject: Engineering Geology Laboratory Code: 320364(20)
List of Experiments: (At leastTen experiments are to be performed by each student)
1. Identification of granite, pegmatite, syenite megascopic observations.
2. Identification of basalt, gabbro, charnokite, dolerite.
3. Identification of limestone, sand - stone, shale.
4. Identification of conglomerate, breccias, clay.
5. Identification of slate, phyllite, marble.
6. Identification of quartzite, schist, gneiss.
7. A study on simple geological maps
8. To Draw a cross section, filling of geological data there in.
9. To make a sketch of faults, with identification of folds, faults and unconformity.
10. A case Study of structural folds, faults and unconformity.
11. A study of Talc, gypsum, calcite, fluorite apatite.
12. A study of feldspar, quartz, topaz, corundum.
13. A study of hornblende, garnet, tourmaline asbestos, olivine,.
14. A study of serpentine, barite, muscovite, biotite, arpiment, realgar, sulpher, amethyst & varieties of uartz, zeolite
15. A study of Hematite, magnetite, pyrite, chalespyrite, pyrolusite, psilomelane, beryl, magnesite, bauxite, zincite, galena etc.
Equipment/Machines/Instruments/Tools/Software Required:
Crystallographic Model
Wooden Cabinet
Axis of symmetrical of 6 System
Planes of symmetrical of 6 System
Crystallographic Axis & Centre of System
Mohr Scale of Hardness
Streak Plates
Hardness Testing Knife
Model Showing Strike, Dip, Pitch
Symmetrical Anticline Showing Axis-Axial Plane
Asymmetrical Anticline Showing Axis-Axial Plane
Isoclinals Anticline & Syncline
Recumbent Fold
Fan Fold
Step Fault
Rock Specimen
Wooden Specimen Tray
Polarizing Petrological Microscope
Mineral Specimens
Recommended Books:
1. Geology and Engineering – Leggot, R.F. (Mc-Graw Hill, New York)
2. Engineering and General Geology – Prabin Singh (Katson Publication House)
Subject: Value Education Code: 320365(46)
UNIT- I Aim of Education and Necessity for Value Education: Education in values/wisdom/etc and education in traits/technologies/etc as the two fundamental strands of education; Answer to the frequently asked questions such as “Why to do studies”, “What studies to do in overall”, “How to do studies in a proper way”, “How to think systematically and talk systematically”
UNIT-II Humanitarian Viewpoint and Basic Human Objective: Meaning and concept of happiness, Need for a fundamental viewpoint to judge things in all cases of human concerns, Proposal of the natural path of humanitarian coexistentialism; Consciousness development and its expression; Fundamental want of sustainable happiness in human being; Understanding the distinct activities and needs of self (I) and body in human being; Fundamental goal of human being; Sustainable-solution in individual (At the place of delusion); Sustainable-prosperity in family (At the place of poverty); Sustainable-cooperation in society (At the place of competition); Sustainable-coexistence in planet (At the place of struggle)
UNIT- III Elements of Holistic and Systematic Perspective: Need for study of fundamental information categories to develop holistic perspective; Particular-time actions and general-time laws; Need for fundamental information sequence to develop systematic perspective, Some examples for systematic study sequence
UNIT-IV Elements of Society-friendly and Environment-friendly Goals: Elements of Knowledge of whole existence; Elements of Knowledge of human being; Elements of fundamental Values and Wisdom; Value spectrum with reference to general relationships and particular relationships of the objects in nature; Elements of History and Contemporarity used to set current goals; Elements of Sciences and Techniques to formulate methods to achieve goals; Elements of Motoricity and Mattericity to make actions to execute the methods
UNIT-V Lifelong Exercise for All-round Sustainability: Collecting information for sustainability issues; Motivating people towards sustainable life-style; Ability to identify and develop appropriate technologies and management patterns for society-friendly and environment-friendly systems for production /protection/ utilization/ experimentation ; Ability to establish and execute the fundamental five-fold system in order to ensure sustainable peace-and-prosperity worldwide.
Text Books:
Value Education for Consciousness Development by Dr P B Deshmukh, Radha K Iyer, and Deepak K Kaushik (2nd Edition, 2012, ISBN: 978-81-924034-0-3)
Reference Books:
1. International Research Handbook on Values Education and Student Wellbeing by Terence Lovat, Ron Toomey, Neville Clement (Eds.), Springer 2010, ISBN: 978-90481-86747
2. Values Education and Lifelong Learning: Principles, Policies, Programmes by David N Aspin and Judith D Chapman (Eds.); Springer 2007, ISBN: 978-1-4020-6183-7
3. Fundamentals of Ethics for Scientists and Engineers by E G Seebaur and Robert L Berry, 2000, Oxford University Press
BE (Civil Engineering) III Semester
Note: Duration of all theory papers will be of Three Hours.
Subject: Mathematics - III Code: 320351(14)
Course Objectives:
1. Make student to understand FourierSeries.
2. To understand the Laplace Transform.
3. To understand the Partial Differential Equation..
4. To provide an understanding about Complex variables
5. To understand statistics
UNIT- I FOURIER SERIES: Euler’s Formula, Functions having points of discontinuity, Change of interval, Even & Odd functions, Half range series, Harmonic analysis.
UNIT-II LAPLACE TRANSFORM:Definition, Transform of elementary functions, Properties of Laplace transform, Transform of derivatives & integrals, Multiplication by tn, Division by t, Evaluation of integrals, Inverse Laplace Transform, Convolution theorem, Unit step function, Unit impulse function, Periodic function, Application to solution of ordinary differential equations.
UNIT- III PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION:Formation, Solution by direct integration method, Linear equation of first order, Homogeneous linear equation with constant coefficients, Non-homogeneous linear equations, Method of separation of variables.
UNIT-IV COMPLEX VARIABLES:Derivative, Cauchy-Riemann equations, Analytic functions, Harmonic functions, Flow problems, Complex integration, Cauchy theorem, Cauchy integral formula, Taylor & Laurent series, Singularity, Residue, Evaluation of real definite integrals.
UNIT-V STATISTICS:Random variables, Discrete & continuous probability distributions, Expectation, Mean & Standard Deviation, Moments & moment generating function, Distributions- Binomial, Poisson and Normal distributions.
Text Books:
1. Higher Engg. Mathematics by Dr. B.S. Grewal– Khanna Publishers.
2. Advanced Engg. Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig – John Wiley & Sons.
Reference Books:
1. Advanced Engg.Mathematics by R.K. Jain and S.R.K. Iyengar – Narosa Publishing House.
2. Applied Mathematics by P.N.Wartikar& J.N. Wartikar. Vol- II– PunVidyarthiGrihPrakashan,Pune
3. Applied Mathematics for Engineers & Physicists by Louis A. Pipes- TMH.
Course Outcome:
1. Students are expected to understand Fourier Series
2. Students are expected to understand LAPLACE TRANSFORM
3. Students are expected to understand PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION
4. Students are expected to understand COMPLEX VARIABLES and STATISTICS
Subject: Fluid Mechanics – I Code: 320352(20)
UNIT- I INTRODUCTION -Fluid and continuum, physical properties of fluids ideal and real fluid, Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Fluid. Fluid Statics-Pressure density height relationship, pressure measurement by Manometers, Pressure on plane and curved surfaces, centre of pressure, buoyancy, stability of immersed and floating bodies, metacentric height,
UNIT-II Kinematics of fluid flow -Steady and unsteady flow, uniform and non uniform flow, laminar and turbulent flow, one, two and three dimensional flow, streamlines, streak lines and path lines, circulation and vorticity, rotational and irrotational flow, velocity potential and stream function, continuity equation.
UNIT- III Dynamics of fluid flow-Euler’s equation of motion along a streamline and its integration, Bernoulli’s equation and its applications – Pitot tube, Venturimeter, orificemeter, nozzles, momentum equation and its application to stationary and moving plates/vanes, pipe bends, problems related to combined application of energy and momentum equations.
UNIT-IV Flow in Pipes-Reynolds’s experiment, experimental determination of critical velocity, transition from laminar to turbulent flow, Laminar flow through circular tubes, flow between parallel plates, minor losses in pipe lines, loss due to sudden contraction, expansion, etc; Hot wire anemometer and LDA.Flow in open ChannelComparison between open channel and pipe flow, definition of uniform and non-uniform flow, uniform flow formulae, Chezy’s and Manning’s Formula, Hydraulically efficient channel section of rectangular, trapezoidal and circular type.
UNIT-V Flow through mouthpiece and orifices-Hydraulic coefficients of orifice, bell method orifice, mouthpieces, Borda's mouthpiece, running free and submerged.Notches and Weirs-Rectangular, triangular and trapezoidal notches and weir, cippoletti and broad crested weir, aeration of nappe, cavitations submerged weir.
Text Books:
1. Fluid Mechanics and Machines – Dr. A.K. Jain (Khanna Publications)
2. Fluid Mechanics and Machines – Dr. R.K. Bansal (Laxmi Publications)
3. Fluid Mechanics – Dr. P.N. Modi (Standard Book House)
Reference Books:
1. Mechanics of Fluid – Irving H. Shames (McGraw Hill)
2. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics – James A. Fay (Prentice Hall India)
3. Fluid Mechanics – R.J. Garde (New Age International Publication)
4. Fluid Mechanics – Streeter V.L. & Wylie E.B. (Tata McGraw Hills)
5. Fluid Mechanics – John F. Douglous (Pearsons)
Subject: Surveying – I Code: 320353(20)
UNIT- I Leveling - Different methods of determining elevations: Spirit, Trigometric, Barometric and Photogrammetric methods, Spirit leveling-Definitions of terms, Principle, Construction, Temporary and permanent adjustment of levels. Sensitivity of bubble tube, Automatic levels, Leveling staves, Methods of spirit leveling Booking and reduction of field notes, Curvature and refraction, Reciprocal leveling Plotting of profiles, Barometric leveling, Trigonometric leveling-simple and reciprocal observations
UNIT-II Contouring - Direct and Indirect methods of contouring. Interpolation of contours, Drawing section from contour map, Application and Modern methods of depicting relief on a Map. Minor Instruments- Construction and field use of altimeter, Description and use of Hand level, Abney Level, clinometers, ceylonghat tracer, Box Sexant, Pentagraph, planimeter, ediograph.
UNIT- III Theodolite And Traversing- Venire and microptic theodolites, Temporary and permanent adjustments, Requirements of non-adjustable parts, Measure of horizontal and vertical angles by different methods Principle of traversing by theodolite, Field work and checks,
UNIT-IV Traverse Computations and Plane Table Survey - Computation of coordinates, Source of errors, Precision of traversing, Checking and Balancing the traverses, Principles, Advantages and disadvantages, Plane table equipment, Different methods of Plane Table Surveying, Resection-Two and Three point problems. Fields work in Plane Table Surveying and contouring.
UNIT-V Curves - Classification of curves; Elements of Circular, compound, Transition and Vertical curves, Theory and method of setting out Simple, Transition, compound and Vertical curves with field problems.
Text Books:
1. Surveying (Vol. I & II) – Punmia, B.C. (Laxmi Publications, New Delhi, 1996)
2. Surveying (Vol. II & III) – Agor, R (Khanna publications, Delhi, 1995)
Reference Books:
1. Surveying (Vol. II & III) – Arora, K.R. (Standard Book House, Delhi, 1993)
2. Fundamentals of Surveying – S.K. Roy (Prentice Hall of India)
3. Surveying (Vol. I & II) – S.K. Duggal (Tata McGraw Hill)
4. Surveying (Vol. I & II) – Kanetkar T.P. (Pune VidyarthiGrihaPrakashan, Pune)
5. Surveying (Vol. I & II) – C Venkataramaih ( Universitires Press Hyderabad)
Subject: Mechanics of Solids Code: 320354(20)
UNIT- I Stress Strain Relations - Types of stresses and strains, Mechanicals properties and testing of steel, Hooke’s law, Uniaxial tensile test, stress – strain curve, hardness, impact, Poisson’s ratio, Modulus of rigidity, Bulk modulus, Relation between the elastic constants, Thermal effects, Elongation of bars of constant and varying sections. Statically indeterminate problems in tension and compression. Thin cylindrical and spherical vessels.
UNIT-II Analysis of Stresses and Strains - Body forces, Surface forces, Internal Force, Stress at a point. Components of stress in rectangular coordinates, Principal stresses, Transformation equations, Stress invariants. Plane stresses. Mohr’s circle for plane stress, Differential equations of equilibrium. Deformable bodies, Concepts of normal strain and shear strain, Strain components at a point. Transformation equations. Principal strains. Mohr’s circle for strains. Compatibility conditions. Displacement equation of equilibrium, Plane strain.
UNIT- III Bending of Beams -Theory of simple bending - limitations - bending stresses in beams of different cross sections, beams of uniform strength, beams of two materials, shear stresses in symmetrical elastic beams transmitting both shear and bending moment. Shear force and bending moment diagrams for simply supported overhanging. and cantilever beams and statically determinate plane frames
UNIT-IV Columns and Combined stresses -Stable and unstable equilibrium, Short columns, Euler’s formula for long columns, Rankin’s formula. Beams subjected to bending and shear, Eccentrically loaded short column, Kern of rectangular sections, Middle third rule, stability of gravity dams & retaining walls.
UNIT-V Unsymmetrical Bending and Torsion Unsymmetrical bending – Location of neutral axis, Shear flow - shear centre - determination of shear centre for simple sections. Torsion of circular solid and hollow circular shafts - power transmission. Closed coiled and open coiled helical springs.
Text Books:
1. Strength of Materials – R.K. Rajput (S. Chand & Co.)
2. Mechanics of Materials – B.C. Punmia (Laxmi Publication)
Reference Books:
1. Mechanics of Structures (Vol. – I) – Junarkar (Charotar Publications)
2. Strength of Materials – Timoshenko, S. & Gere (CBS Publishers)
3. Introductions to Solid Mechanics –Shames & Pitarresi (Prentice Hall of India)
4. Engineering Mechanics of Solid – Popov (Pearson Publication)
5. Strength of Materials – S. Ramamurtham (Dhanpat Rai Publications)
6. Strength of Materials (Part-I) – Timoshenko (CBS Pubishers)
Subject: Building Materials Code: 320355(20)
UNIT- I Cement and aggregates- Types of Cement, Hydration of cement, tests on properties of cement, ferro cement. Classification of Aggregates (Coarse and Fine) and their properties, tests on aggregates.Classification of Pozzolanas and applications.
UNIT-II Concrete - Properties of concrete in fresh and hardened state, water cement ratio, Modulus of elasticity, factors affecting strength of concrete and durability, mixing, transporting, placing, compacting and curing concrete, variables in proportioning concrete mixes, admixtures in concrete, tests on concrete.
UNIT- III Ceramic Materials- Introduction to ceramics, types of ceramic products, properties of ceramics, ceramic building products, manufacturing of ceramic products.
UNIT-IV Timber and Plywood - Characteristics of good timber, seasoning and preservation, names of timber producing trees and their relative market value. Types and uses of plywood, veneers and hardboards. Low cost materials for construction – System concepts, cost effective materials, industrial wastes, agricultural wastes, methods needed for propagation of new technologies from laboratory to field.
UNIT-V Paints, Glass etc. Commercially available varieties of ceramics, glass and their uses, types of tiles, method of manufacturing and tests for suitability. Uses of Plastics and PVC. Composition and use of paints, varnishes and distempers. Composite materials, types and uses.
Text Books:
1. Building Materials – S.K. Duggal (New Age Publication)
2. Building Materials – S. C. Rangwala (Charotar Publication)
3. Building Materials – M.L. Gambhir, NehaJamwal (Mc. Grawhill)
Reference Books:
1. Concrete Technology – A.M. Neville & J.J. Brooks (Pearson Education)
2. Concrete Technology – M.S. Shetty (S. Chand & Co.)
3. Engineering Materials – Surendra Singh (Laxmi Publication)
4. Construction Engineering and Management – S. Seetharaman (UmeshPublication)
5. Building Materials – Gurucharan Singh (Standard Publishers, Delhi)
Subject: Engineeirng Geology Code: 320356(20)
UNIT- I Introduction to Engg. Geology -To understand fundamental concepts of engineering geology, engineering strength, physical & mechanical properties of minerals, rock forming minerals: A case study.
UNIT-II Rocks and its formations -Types of rocks and origins (structure, texture, agents), ternary diagrams, causes of metamorphism, Folds, Faults, Unconformity & joints: a case study.
UNIT- III Earthquakes - Earthquake, its causes, classification, seismic zones of India , seismotectanics of the Indian plate, earthquake problem and its preventive measures in construction of building , reservoir , dams , underground railway track & tunnels etc : A case study.
UNIT-IV Landslides, Land subsidence and Geological Hazards - Landslides, its causes, classification and preventive measures, land subsidence, its causes and preventive measures, major geological hazards & geological considerations in design of constructed facilities and infrastructure, mitigation of landslide hazard: A case study.
UNIT-V Geological investigations in Civil Engg -Geophysical techniques as aids in engineering geological investigations, geological conditions necessary for construction of bridges, dams, tunnels, building, road cuttings, concept of geological maps, important terminology used for map and making a section from the map: A case study
Text Books:
1. A Textbook of Geology – Mukherjee P.K. (World Press Publishers)
2. Engineering Geology – D.S. Arora (Mohindra Capital Publisher, Chandigarh)
Reference Books:
1. Geology and Engineering – Leggot, R.F. (Mc-Graw Hill, New York)
2. A Geology for Engineers – Blyth, F.G.M. (Arnold, London)
3. Civil Engineering Geology – Cyril Sankey Fox (C. Lockwood and son, U.K.)
4. Engineering and General Geology – Prabin Singh (Katson Publication House)
Subject: Fluid Mechanics – I Laboratory Code: 320361(20)
List of Experiments: (At leastTen experiments are to be performed by each student)
1. To determine the met centric height of a ship model.
2. Verification of Bernoulli’s equation.
3. Verification of momentum equation.
4. To calibrate a venturimeter and study the variation of the coefficient of discharge with the Reynolds number.
5. To calibrate aorificemeter and study the variation of the coefficient of discharge with the Reynolds number.
6. Experimental determination of critical velocity in pipe.
7. Determination of head loss coefficient due to sudden expansion in pipe.
8. Determination of head loss coefficient due to sudden contraction in pipe.
9. Determination of head loss coefficient in pipe bends.
10. To determine the hydraulic coefficients (Cc, Cd and Cv) of an orifice.
11. To determine the coefficient of discharge of a mouth piece.
12. To calibrate a triangular notch.
13. To calibrate a rectangular notch.
14. To obtain the surface profile and the total distribution of a forced vortex.
Equipment/Machines/Instruments/Tools/Software Required:
Ship Model
Bernoulli’s Apparatus
Apparatus for momentum theorem
Pipe Flow Apparatus
Orifice Apparatus
Mouth Piece Apparatus
Notch Apparatus
Vortex Flow Apparatus
Recommended Books:
1. Hydraulics Laboratory Manual – S.K. Likhi (New Age International Ltd.)
2. Fluid Mechanics – JagdishLal (Metropolitan Educational, New Delh-2)
Subject: Surveying Field Work I Code: 320362(20)
List of Experiments: (At leastTen experiments are to be performed by each student)
1. To determine the elevation of a point with respect to reference elevation by Fly Leveling
2. To determine sensitivity of bubble tube of a dumpy level.
3. Contouring and its plotting.
4. Measurement of horizontal angle by repetition method.
5. Measurement of horizontal angle by reiteration method.
6. To determine the height of object when base is accessible.
7. To determine the height of tower when base is inaccessible and instrument stations are in same vertical plane.
8. To find out the position of points by the Plane Table Radiation and Intersection method.
9. Determination of location of a point with the help of Two point problem.
10. Determination of location of a point with the help of Three point problem.
11. Setting out of curve by ordinates or offsets from long chord.
12. Setting out of curve by successive bisection of arcs.
13. Setting out of curve by offsets from chords produced .
14. Setting out of curve by two theodolite method.
15. Setting out of curve by Rankine’s method.
Equipment/Machines/Instruments/Tools/Software Required:
Metric Chain (30 m)
Tape (15m, 30 m)
Ranging Rod (2 m, 3m)
Plumb bob
Leveling Staff (Folding and Non-folding)
Wooden Pegs
Plain Table Accessories (Drawing Board – 70 x 60 x 1.5 cm, Spirit Level, Trough Compass, Tripod Stand, Alidade,
Plumb bob for centering)
Offset Rod
Optical Square
Cross Staff
Recommended Books:
1. Surveying (Vol. I & II) – Punmia, B.C. (Laxmi Publications, New Delhi, 1996)
2. Surveying (Vol. I & II) - C Venkataramaih (Universities Press Hyderabad)
3. Surveying (Vol. I & II) – Kanetkar T.P. (Pune VidyarthiGrihaPrakashan, Pune)
Subject: Material Testing Laboratory Code: 320363(20)
List of Experiments: (At leastTen experiments are to be performed by each student)
1. Determination of Compressive strength of cement.
2. Determination of Tensile strength of cement.
3. Determination of Fineness of cement by sieving method.
4. Determination of Fineness of cement by Blain Apparatus.
5. Determination of Soundness of cement.
6. Determination of Specific gravity of cement.
7. To determine Uniaxial Tensile Test of mild steel.
8. To determine IzodCharpy Value of given mild steel.
9. To determine the Rockwell Hardness of given Material.
10. To determine Compressive Strength of Wood: (a) Along the fibre and (b) Across the
11. Determination of Specific gravity and water absorption of aggregate.
12. Abrasion Test on tiles.
13. Impact test on tiles.
14. Flexural Strength of Tiles.
15. To study the Cupping Test Machine and determine Ericheser value of mild steel sheet.
Equipment/Machines/Instruments/Tools/Software Required:
Cube mould 7.06 cm size
IS Sieve 80, 40, 20, 10, 4.75, 2.36, 1.18 mm and 600, 300, 150, 90 Micron
Sieve Shakers
Tensile Strength Testing Machine
Oven Wire Basket
Spring Balance and Weighing Balance
Air permeability blain apparatus
Abrasion Testing Machine
Flexural Strength Testing Machine for tiles
Universal Testing Machine
Hardness Testing Machine
Impact Testing Machine
Recommended Books:
1. Lab Manual Concrete Lab – M.L. Gambhir (Tata McGraw Hill)
2. Concrete Technology – M.S. Shetty (S. Chand & Co.)
Subject: Engineering Geology Laboratory Code: 320364(20)
List of Experiments: (At leastTen experiments are to be performed by each student)
1. Identification of granite, pegmatite, syenite megascopic observations.
2. Identification of basalt, gabbro, charnokite, dolerite.
3. Identification of limestone, sand - stone, shale.
4. Identification of conglomerate, breccias, clay.
5. Identification of slate, phyllite, marble.
6. Identification of quartzite, schist, gneiss.
7. A study on simple geological maps
8. To Draw a cross section, filling of geological data there in.
9. To make a sketch of faults, with identification of folds, faults and unconformity.
10. A case Study of structural folds, faults and unconformity.
11. A study of Talc, gypsum, calcite, fluorite apatite.
12. A study of feldspar, quartz, topaz, corundum.
13. A study of hornblende, garnet, tourmaline asbestos, olivine,.
14. A study of serpentine, barite, muscovite, biotite, arpiment, realgar, sulpher, amethyst & varieties of uartz, zeolite
15. A study of Hematite, magnetite, pyrite, chalespyrite, pyrolusite, psilomelane, beryl, magnesite, bauxite, zincite, galena etc.
Equipment/Machines/Instruments/Tools/Software Required:
Crystallographic Model
Wooden Cabinet
Axis of symmetrical of 6 System
Planes of symmetrical of 6 System
Crystallographic Axis & Centre of System
Mohr Scale of Hardness
Streak Plates
Hardness Testing Knife
Model Showing Strike, Dip, Pitch
Symmetrical Anticline Showing Axis-Axial Plane
Asymmetrical Anticline Showing Axis-Axial Plane
Isoclinals Anticline & Syncline
Recumbent Fold
Fan Fold
Step Fault
Rock Specimen
Wooden Specimen Tray
Polarizing Petrological Microscope
Mineral Specimens
Recommended Books:
1. Geology and Engineering – Leggot, R.F. (Mc-Graw Hill, New York)
2. Engineering and General Geology – Prabin Singh (Katson Publication House)
Subject: Value Education Code: 320365(46)
UNIT- I Aim of Education and Necessity for Value Education: Education in values/wisdom/etc and education in traits/technologies/etc as the two fundamental strands of education; Answer to the frequently asked questions such as “Why to do studies”, “What studies to do in overall”, “How to do studies in a proper way”, “How to think systematically and talk systematically”
UNIT-II Humanitarian Viewpoint and Basic Human Objective: Meaning and concept of happiness, Need for a fundamental viewpoint to judge things in all cases of human concerns, Proposal of the natural path of humanitarian coexistentialism; Consciousness development and its expression; Fundamental want of sustainable happiness in human being; Understanding the distinct activities and needs of self (I) and body in human being; Fundamental goal of human being; Sustainable-solution in individual (At the place of delusion); Sustainable-prosperity in family (At the place of poverty); Sustainable-cooperation in society (At the place of competition); Sustainable-coexistence in planet (At the place of struggle)
UNIT- III Elements of Holistic and Systematic Perspective: Need for study of fundamental information categories to develop holistic perspective; Particular-time actions and general-time laws; Need for fundamental information sequence to develop systematic perspective, Some examples for systematic study sequence
UNIT-IV Elements of Society-friendly and Environment-friendly Goals: Elements of Knowledge of whole existence; Elements of Knowledge of human being; Elements of fundamental Values and Wisdom; Value spectrum with reference to general relationships and particular relationships of the objects in nature; Elements of History and Contemporarity used to set current goals; Elements of Sciences and Techniques to formulate methods to achieve goals; Elements of Motoricity and Mattericity to make actions to execute the methods
UNIT-V Lifelong Exercise for All-round Sustainability: Collecting information for sustainability issues; Motivating people towards sustainable life-style; Ability to identify and develop appropriate technologies and management patterns for society-friendly and environment-friendly systems for production /protection/ utilization/ experimentation ; Ability to establish and execute the fundamental five-fold system in order to ensure sustainable peace-and-prosperity worldwide.
Text Books:
Value Education for Consciousness Development by Dr P B Deshmukh, Radha K Iyer, and Deepak K Kaushik (2nd Edition, 2012, ISBN: 978-81-924034-0-3)
Reference Books:
1. International Research Handbook on Values Education and Student Wellbeing by Terence Lovat, Ron Toomey, Neville Clement (Eds.), Springer 2010, ISBN: 978-90481-86747
2. Values Education and Lifelong Learning: Principles, Policies, Programmes by David N Aspin and Judith D Chapman (Eds.); Springer 2007, ISBN: 978-1-4020-6183-7
3. Fundamentals of Ethics for Scientists and Engineers by E G Seebaur and Robert L Berry, 2000, Oxford University Press
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