Gate ebooks for civil engineering free download (classroom notes ace & made easy )

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  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. can you provide Environmental Pollution and Management notes for 8th sem civil
    Unit 1
    Basic principles of environmental management, its Pollution and control, Environmental Policies and
    Legislation, Rules, acts, standards, criteria, specification, nature and scope of environmental problems.
    Unit 2
    Ecology of population, population attributes, world population growth and the effect of over crowding on
    ecology, economy and the future of man.
    Unit 3
    Environmental Research Methodology, approaches, method of Data collection, sampling systems, approach
    to environmental problems, health and environmental implications of solid waste management, Fate of
    pollutants in air, water, soil and ground water.
    Unit 4
    Management and handling of hazardous substances, Sanitary land fills, incineration, composting,
    hydropulping, pyrolysis.
    Environmental Audit, The Indian Scenario, definition of audit, procedure of auditing.
    Unit 5
    Introduction to sustainable development, Definitions, strategies for sustainable development, environmental
    debts, appropriate technologies, related case studies.
    Environmental inventory, Environmental Impact Assessment methods, Basic steps for prediction and
    assessment, water environment, air environment, noise environment.
    Name of Text Books:
    Environmental Engineering – Peavy & Rowe (Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi).
    Introduction to Environmental Science – Y. Anjaneyulu (B.S. Publications)
    Name of Reference Books:
    Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science – Masters, G.M. (Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 1991)
    Waste Water Engineering – Metcalf Eddy (Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi).
    Introduction to Environmental Science – Y. Anjaneyulu (B.S. Publications).
    Environmental Science and Engineering – Henry and Heinke (Pearson Education).
    Waste Water Engineering – Metcalf Eddy (Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi).

  3. hehehaha u had copied all ur syllabus
    CSVTU *th sem elective -III
    will try to help u shortly
    plz mention ur college

  4. i want foundation engineering notes

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